
Letter from the Editor

Dear Campus Community,   I’m writing today to follow up about the offensive image published in the Combat Zone on March 15 and let you know more about how we plan to respond and move forward.   First, though, I want to clarify that though myself and my staff members have reached out to different experts and resources on campus to ask for advice on how to respond to this situation, ultimately our mistakes and our response are our own and no one else’s, and we take full responsibility for...

Letter from the Editor

Dear Campus Community,   I write to you today to express on behalf of myself and The Trail our deepest regret and apology for publishing an offensive and insensitive image in the Combat Zone section of the March 15 issue. The image was intended to be a lighthearted joke about the weather involving President Crawford, but the effect of the image was inappropriate and dehumanizing, and contains echoes of offensive portrayals of people of color that have contributed to a culture of racism and intolerance. So, though the image was...
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