The Happy Trail

The Happy Trail

From Fae to Ze: A Basic Guide to Neopronouns

By Skye Sheehy   If you have been on social media in the last few years, it's likely that you’ve heard of or seen people using neopronouns. Only 4% of the LQBTQ+ population use neopronouns (according to The Trevor Project) and there is a lack of mainstream understanding of what neopronouns are, how to use them and why people identify with them. Neopronouns are  third-person pronouns that are not part of the conventional pronouns of a language, like “he,” “she” and “they” in English. In English-speaking countries, neopronouns are most often...
The Happy Trail

Students and Faculty Ruminate on Reproductive Rights in the Upcoming Election

By Skye Sheehy   With the 2024 presidential election a mere two months away, hot-button political issues have the potential to become the difference between victory and defeat. This election is especially important for reproductive rights, which encapsulates the right to abortion and alternative modes of conception, such as in vitro fertilization, or IVF. Support for abortion access has increased steadily since the overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022; 7 in 10 Americans agree that abortion should be legal, according to AP News. This is also the first time in...
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