There are Reports of Red Flags Flying on the Puget Sound Campus: Is One of Them Yours? Let’s Learn Together!

By Amelia Pooser
Dating in 2024 is hard enough as is, and it seems our generation is not making it any easier. Everyone has certain expectations for partners and things they are willing and not willing to compromise on. Red flags are popularly defined as warning signs that indicate unhealthy or potentially dangerous behavior. In popular culture, red flags have become a way to define and evaluate romantic partners. College is an important time in life to experience relationships and explore, so, to help everyone out, we have compiled a list — collected via an anonymous survey — of things to avoid that may let us identify places where we all might have space for personal growth. The Happy Trail compiled responses from a Google Survey regarding campus perceptions of red flags and their prevalence at the University of Puget Sound.
Things to Avoid: Being fake, lying, lack of communication, ghosting, inconsistency, dismissing feelings, not reciprocating energy, being stuck up, acting too cool, being condescending, being jealous/mad when partner succeeds, being aggressive, being close friends with an ex, still talking about your ex, and astrology.
Learning Opportunities, Let’s Change!: Doesn’t take care of themselves, littering, doesn’t wash their sheets, bad hygiene, using alcohol as a coping mechanism, not voting, savior complex, controlling, victim blaming, being racist, misogynist, ableist, homophobic, not willing to try new things.
For the Boys: Men using the term b****h in a derogatory way, (for cis guys) has no female-identifying friends or role models, being seen with multiple girls in one night.
Might be Your Cup of Tea & Not Others: Having fraternity/sorority involvement, doesn’t like children, conservative, doesn’t like cats, kills bugs instead of putting them outside, smokes, socks in bed, always late to things.
Funny: Not having seen “Lemonade Mouth,” a man idk dawg, being a meanie poo poo head.
Campus Red Flags: Way too liberal for their own good (unwilling to hear opposing opinions), lack of parties, being obnoxious in the sub, gatekeeping, the lack of inclusion, obsessed with themselves, cliquey, pretentiousness, unchecked privilege, performative activism, doesn’t get a reusable cup from Divs or Opp when they’re studying in, infamous for all the bad reasons, believing everything they read in an Instagram infographic, players, everyone knows each other.
Honorable Mentions/ My Favorites: Being a terrorist or radical, opps literally everywhere, open toed shoes, rain :(
Looking at this list, it is clear that we as individuals and as a wider campus have some spaces to improve! From this feedback: go into relationships with good hygiene, no bigotism, self care, communication, honesty and as a kind humble human adult! Beyond that, things may enter the gray area. Everyone has their personal preferences and requests, and sometimes those will match you and sometimes they won’t. Everyone deserves a partner that they will cherish and love — someone compatible that will make them happy. So take this all with a grain of salt but also take a second to reflect on yourself, your relationships, and your future. Let’s try to wave some green flags next time!