
Stories I Tell

By Julian Finholm All my life, I have loved stories. When I fell in love with Batman’s compassionate crusade against evil and pain at sevenyears-old, I realized that I wanted to be a writer. I filled notebooks with doodles and scribbles of stories. Telling a story allows me to express myself in ways I can’t verbalize otherwise. Storytelling is how I showcase my love of fiction. I simply love creating. I love writing stories about heroes going on adventures or silly people eating food together which makes me laugh so...

3 mass shootings within 44 hours in California

By Hannah Lee During the Lunar New Year on January 21, eleven people were shot and killed at Star Dance Studio in Monterey Park, California. Nine others were injured in the shooting. All of the victims were between 50 and 70 years old and of Asian-Pacific Islander descent. The victims were visiting the dance studio to celebrate the Lunar New Year. The suspected gunman is Huu Can Tran. The gunman also attempted to attack another dance studio in Alhambra but was disarmed by a bystander before causing any harm. Tran...

Slater Museum Renaming Committee conducts first review meeting

By Mercer Stauch University of Puget Sound’s review committee tasked with considering the renaming of the Slater Natural History Museum met for the first time on January 25 to begin their process. Guided by the University’s renaming policy put into effect February 25, 2022, the committee’s meeting comes three and a half years after Grace Eberhardt ‘20 and a few faculty members petitioned President Isiaah Crawford to have the museum’s name changed to no longer honor James Slater, a former Puget Sound professor who taught courses in eugenics at the...

14 faculty members confirmed to retire by June 2023

By Emma Loenicker “A Sound Future” left few possibilities unexplored in the proposal to recover from the University’s ten-million-dollar budget deficit, which has been the source of campus-wide tension for months now. While strategizing to construct a sustainable and profitable financial plan for the University, the question of professors and programs has loomed large. The prospect of losing beloved professors and programs is overwhelmingly unpopular. This was apparent in the concerns and frustrations voiced during the last campus-wide town hall, on November 16 and during a student, faculty, and staff...

Historical Firsts and Abortion Rights During the Midterm Elections

By Hannah Lee During this year’s midterm elections, many predicted a “red wave” in which many Republicans would be elected to positions of political power. Historically, the president’s party has generally lost elections at the state and national levels in midterms. This year, however, many Democrats won over states and positions and kept their control over the Senate. There were also many historical firsts for those elected to these positions. Many attribute these results to a higher Gen Z voting turnout. According to the Center for Information and Research on...
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