

By Sara Orozco

Hello Logger DJs and other folks interested in the wild world of KUPS; we have good news! The programming schedule for Spring 2023 has been completed thanks to the persistent and hard work of your music directors. All the genres worked tirelessly in the last two weeks, compiling applications and conducting interviews to assemble this semester’s show list. You can find our nifty little schedule in this edition of the Trail.

DJs are also encouraged to look at some new Underwriters we’ve set up this semester. Some of our staff got to interview one of the original Weed Nuns, or Sisters of the Valley. Sister Kate was kind enough to sit down and record something for us over the phone, so give that a queue next time you’re in the Booth!

Perhaps even more exciting is that streaming is currently back up and functioning! Your whole family can now tune in hundreds of miles away to appreciate your music taste. Now that listening is even more accessible, make sure to check out shows you’re interested in hearing! Our radio station is one of the best in the entire country, might as well appreciate it for all it has to offer

Beyond the booth, we’ve got an Art Market on Monday, Feb. 27, which is maxed out for tabling. There will be a variety of art, new crafters and old crafters alike. There will also be a clothing swap at the market, so bring the stuff you don’t need or mean to donate!