Arts & Events

Arts & EventsHighlights

Tennessee band Apache Relay brings Americana to Washington

  If you haven’t already heard, Tennessee has a new queen, and her name is Katie. At least, that’s what The Apache Relay sings in the title song off their newest album Katie Queen of Tennessee, which debuted April 22 of this year. And that’s only one of the great songs they’ll perform during their upcoming tour. Katie opens with a solo violin, which leads into a fusion of pop, rock, and indie rock elements. It is a layered song that both complements and defies the band’s original folk and...
Arts & Events

Halloween Happenings

Happy Halloween! In need of something festive to do tonight or this weekend? Here is a list of various happenings on campus and in or around Tacoma. From movies to plays to zoos, there is plenty to do, and plenty of things to shout at you “boo!” Journey into the Phantom's lair with the original 1925 silent version of the Phantom of the Opera, starring Lon Chaney, featured tonight, Oct. 31, with live organ and piano accompaniment by Duane Hubert and Sarah Stone. Find it at 8 p.m. in Kilworth...
Arts & Events

Dear White People entertaining and accessible critique of privilege

The trailers screened before Dear White People at AMC Lakewood made it very clear how important a film like Dear White People is in our current culture. Among the previews shown: two movies starring Kevin Hart and one romance movie starring black leads. The idea that Dear White People would appeal exlcusively to a black audience is presumptuous and incorrect. The target audience for Dear White People is not just black people; the target audience for Dear White People is everyone. Justin Simien’s directorial debut, Dear White People, which tells...
Arts & Events

Tacoma Film Festival returns for ninth year

Any cinephile within the greater Tacoma area no doubt regards October as a special time of year for the community. While October can hold different importance for different people, this past month from Oct. 9 to Oct. 16 we saw what has essentially become a staple of the moviegoer community make its triumphant return. This year marked the ninth annual Tacoma Film Festival, and it’s safe to say it was met with the level of acclaim and merit such an event deserves. Over the course of one week, ticket holders...
Arts & EventsHighlights

Jacobsen Series showcases School of Music faculty

The School of Music continues their Jacobsen Faculty Recitals this year with a series of unique concerts. There are three more available to experience this year, so be sure to stay tuned (pardon the pun) so you don’t miss out! The Jacobsen Series is a unique opportunity for faculty members to put their best feet forward and demonstrate their enormous talents to the Puget Sound community. The series was established in 1984 in honor of Leonard Jacobsen, former Chair of the Piano Department at Puget Sound. Ticket sales support the...
Arts & Events

Flying Lotus brings fans to the afterlife with You’re Dead!

What is jazz music in 2014? What could it become? While I would shudder at the task of addressing this through writing, Steven Ellison, the heavily experimental and highly esteemed multi-genre music pioneer best known by fans as Flying Lotus or more recently as the elusive rapper-villain Captain Murphy, has crafted a worthy hypothesis in his latest LP, You’re Dead!. We haven’t heard from Flying Lotus in a while; his last record under that alias was 2012’s gorgeous Until the Quiet Comes. In those last two years, the quiet must...
Arts & Events

Gone Girl: Captivatingly Mediocre

Every few years, audiences are tricked into thinking a David Fincher movie is good. While some of them are indeed good, his latest, Gone Girl, a film adaptation of Gillian Flynn’s best-selling airport read of the same name, is not. With the film’s 87% on Rotten Tomatoes indicating “universal acclaim,” David Fincher has critics and moviegoers alike raving about a movie that is exactly like all of his others, but contains none of the redeeming qualities of his previous two films The Social Network and The Girl with the Dragon...
Arts & Events

English Department’s Coffeehouse Series presents Open Mic Night

This past Wednesday night, those passing by the piano lounge were treated to more than the idle sounds of a half dozen conversations and the aroma of warm coffee from Diversions. Those passersby were treated to song, poetry and more, as the first Open Mic Night of the semester made its debut to an impressive turnout, thanks in no small part to the sterling efforts of the English Department. Having started out a number of years back and reappearing in some incarnation or another, Open Mic Night was brought back...
Arts & Events

Town Crier Speaks Festival celebrates their 13th year

This year marks the Town Crier Speaks Festival’s 13th annual run. The Town Crier Speaks Festival is a production of Barebones Collective, the student theater group on campus. Town Crier Speaks consists of six different one-act plays, all of which are acted, written and directed by students. Town Crier Speaks, an entirely student-run production, gives many students who aren’t normally involved in theater a chance to perform. “Over the year has given a lot of opportunities to new writers, new directors, new actors, to feel a part of the campus...
Arts & Events

Honors Program Film Series shows Shakespeare for modern audience

Alicia Matz hosts this year’s Film Series for the Honors Program. Catch these free films in Wyatt 109 at 7 p.m. every Tuesday this month. It’s a chance to see some classic Shakespearean plays adapted to modern times and modern audiences. The Honors Program selects a student each year to pick a theme for a series of films that will be shown on campus. Matz selected “Shakespeare for a Modern World.” 10 Things I Hate About You, based on Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew, was shown on Sept. 30, and...
Arts & Events

Italian glass artist Lino Tagliapietra visits Tacoma

If you’ve been in Tacoma for long, or even if you’ve just walked into Wyatt while on campus, chances are you have heard of Dale Chihuly, or at least seen his work. But have you ever heard of Lino Tagliapietra? Venetian by birth, like Chihuly, he too is a glass artist. According to his website, Tagliapietra has established his own forms of creativity with blown and fused glass forms, engineering models with incredible technical and aesthetic quality. He has created numerous glass vessels, permanent installations and glass panels. Throughout his...
Arts & EventsHighlights

Comedy troupe Ubiquitous They gives perennial laughs

Between midterms, finals, surprise essays and the ever-so-dreaded idea of 8 a.m. classes, it’s fair to say that college can be a stressful experience. When faced with the challenges of what amounts to a usual college week, it’s important for the students of the University of Puget Sound to have somewhere where they can forget their troubles and laugh for a while. Luckily, there’s a group on campus that can help with that. They’re called Ubiquitous They, and they’ve been making students laugh for nearly 15 years. Started originally as...
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