Arts & Events

Arts & Events

Pussy Riot speaks in Seattle

By Georgia Gustavson Back in Russia in 2012, Vladimir Putin was on every T.V. channel, flooding the media with his promising messages as the inevitability of his fixed “election” to the Russian presidency drew near.  One act that cut through all the noise and reverberated around the world, however, was a “punk prayer” shouted in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, pleading to make Putin go away.  Donned in neon dresses and fluffy face masks, members of Pussy Riot traded their freedom for a singular moment of protest in recent...
Arts & Events

Alumni Create Spaces for Queer Art

It was another rainy, blustery night in Seattle, Washington. The wind was blowing especially hard, and what better place to find refuge than in an explosive, inclusive art show that could morph into a dance party? Held by Lion’s Main Art Collective, last November’s “Erasure” event was a huge and unique success. That night the Nuclear Exchange Studio and VCR gallery was turned into a vibrant space full of interdisciplinary art. There were both two and three dimensional visual pieces, performance art, video, music and dance. The variety of mediums...
Arts & Events

Mary Lambert draws crowds from within and beyond Puget Sound

Mary Lambert singing live on the University of Puget Sound. From the moment that Mary Lambert’s fingers first touched the keys of her onstage piano, her bubbly demeanor vanished, replaced by one of somber tenderness.  As she played sad, soft chords, her first words were not in song, but spoken word poetry: “Where did you come from bright star?/What heaven did you leap from, dear love?” They are the opening lines of her short poem entitled “Dear One,” and it is with this quiet and vulnerable piece that she opened...
Arts & Events

Breakfast Success: Bros and Breakfast event provides and opening for conversation and change

It was a good problem to have. Trimble Forum was at maximum capacity. Dozens more people piled into the room as some of the facilitators grabbed an extra table. Overall, Tuesday night’s Bros and Breakfast talk was overwhelming, right down to the dense, delicious, cardamom-infused pancakes being served in the entryway. This event was just the beginning. Though the target audience for this event was masculine-identified people, all types were present and eager to participate. After everyone was settled in, Director of Student Conduct Frank Cirioni created the urgent, determined...
Arts & Events

Tacoma Film Festival Movie Review: Local directors and actors capture important moments of life in short film series

The collection spans several genres and no two films are alike. It starts with “In Search of the Miraculous,” a silent film about a man grappling with some unnamed internal strife and an ominous call to the water as he tries to live an average life. The film depicts the man’s struggle via a series of dream sequences at the beginning of the film where the main character plunges into open bodies of water in various ways, such as falling off a rope swing or riding a bike off the...
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