The collection spans several genres and no two films are alike. It starts with “In Search of the Miraculous,” a silent film about a man grappling with some unnamed internal strife and an ominous call to the water as he tries to live an average life. The film depicts the man’s struggle via a series of dream sequences at the beginning of the film where the main character plunges into open bodies of water in various ways, such as falling off a rope swing or riding a bike off the...
The Underachievers - Evermore: The Art of Duality Brooklyn rappers and third-eye openers The Underachievers are back spitting verses with a purpose. The album comes in at a skittery creep, and continues with alternately stark and spacious beats like a serene bubble in a bustling world. Both lyrically and sonically it sounds a little more down to earth than their last album, but it’s still very much rap on a spiritual mission, interweaving stories about restless youth with the occasional spoken word monologue about the nature of consciousness. Instead of...