If you are tired of S.U.B. food, over instant ramen and/or too cheap for frozen dinners, you’re looking in the right place. Here you will find ideas for cooking well and cheaply, as well as finding more variety in your own cooking and the S.U.B. This week, with the chilly weather and pervasive sicknesses, I’m all about the veggie stew. This recipe, which I created with a friend while we were studying abroad, usually makes enough stew to last me about seven meals. I don’t eat it constantly, but I...
We are officially in the holiday season and that means the ovens are turned up high and mixing bowls have been dusted off to be put to good use. My housemate seems to always have a surplus of bananas in the house and has found banana bread to be the best way to use up that supply. This recipe is gluten free. It has all the spices that will make your house smell like the winter season. Feel free to go light on the cinnamon or nutmeg if they aren’t...
Thompson Hall recently hosted the Slater Museum’s open house, called, “It’s Wild Outside: Discover Backyard Biology and the Nature Next-door!” The open house encouraged Puget Sound students and Tacoma families to attend and learn more about animals native to the Pacific Northwest, as well as those from other places in the world. The open house featured both living animals and their taxidermies, getting both children and Puget Sound students interested. The animals included a Virginia opossum and a Peregrine falcon, neither of which could be touched but both of which...
The award for most thematic show on KUPS goes to “Music to Blank to,” heard Friday mornings at 9 a.m. Every week the blank is filled in with some sort of musical subject or grouping, something that gives the listener some way to identify the songs played during this smart hour of songs old and new. This week was “Music to Protest to.” Songs about revolution, change, speaking your voice and government gave listeners something to think about as they rocked out to the likes of Arcade Fire, Crosby, Stills,...
The holidays are upon us. We’ve just devoured our turkey—or Tofurky,—and now it’s time to prepare for the final holidays of the year. The traditions we’ve created with food may not be set in stone, but they have been repeated for generations, with secret recipes passed down to family members each year. What may not be a tradition in most families, though, are the drinks enjoyed alongside the time-honored family meals. The beverages can be enjoyed as presented, or the alcohol can be omitted (or in some cases added) to...
Sufjan Stevens is no stranger to Christmas music. He is, in fact, close friends with Christmas music, maybe even lovers—or perhaps, given at times the inexplicable bitterness and oddity of his Christmas releases, ex-lovers. In 2006, Stevens released a 42-track compilation of five years’ worth of Christmas-themed EPs, Songs for Christmas, and on Nov. 13 he released the follow-up, Silver & Gold: another five years and another 58 tracks, a blend of original songs and creative covers of classics. Silver & Gold brings you about one-third Sufjan Stevens originals with...
A wonderful addition to the stores and cafes of 6th Ave. called Legendary Doughnuts has recently opened up on the corner of Fife Street. Inspired by the popular doughnut shop Voodoo Doughnut in Portland, Oregon, Shannon Patten decided to try her hand at making her own innovative doughnuts in Washington. Sporting modern gray walls, beautiful chandeliers and black menu boards, the store takes a good atmosphere to a whole other level of class and relaxed sophistication not normally seen with doughnuts. This beautiful venue paired with the friendly service makes...