Arts & EventsAngela Davis on Productive Radical Action in the Face of TrumpEditor-in-ChiefMarch 8, 2025
Arts & EventsMusic Department ‘Noonies’ offer mid-week musical getawayEvan WelshMarch 7, 2019The Noon Recital Series, affectionately known around the Music Department as “Noonies,”...
Arts & EventsConserving the Puget Sound through photographyArielle HarveyFebruary 28, 2019For professional nature photographer and videographer Drew Collins, getting the perfect shot...
Arts & EventsFive films you didn’t know were on KanopyCarlisle HuntingtonFebruary 28, 2019In the age of online streaming, you’d think finding a flick for...
Arts & EventsJanku Land hosts DIY documentary screening of ‘Afro-Punk’ and conversation with director James SpoonerEvan WelshFebruary 28, 2019There was an evening of film, reflection, music and celebration last Friday...
Arts & EventsPuget Sound Jazz Band hosts swinging Valentine’s Day concertCarlisle HuntingtonFebruary 21, 2019Fingers were snapping, toes were tapping and hearts were ablaze with the...
Arts & EventsStudents and community members transform library books into works of artKeara WoodFebruary 21, 2019“Lady Brittanica” by Jan Ward — Photo credit to Augusta Grassl The...
Arts & EventsThe impact of Write 253: Tacoma’s ‘Literacy Arts Organization’Evan WelshFebruary 21, 2019It would be misguided to underestimate the power of self-expression, especially in...
Arts & Events‘Science on Screen’: Romance and lizard reproduction at the Grand CinemaArielle HarveyFebruary 21, 2019Richard Linklater’s cult classic “Before Sunrise” is arguably the most romantic movie...
Arts & EventsRise Up: The Hamilton Tribute Band live reviewEvan WelshFebruary 13, 2019Tribute bands have never really been my thing, but on Friday in...
Arts & EventsHoney & Alma Mater hosts workshop for aspiring writersCarlisle HuntingtonFebruary 13, 2019On a snowy Thursday night, Feb. 7 at 7 p.m., aspiring authors...
Arts & Events‘Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes’ ReviewedKeara WoodFebruary 13, 2019Ted Bundy — we all know him as the infamous serial killer...
Arts & EventsWhy we need art and science to combat climate changeArielle HarveyFebruary 13, 2019On Thursday, Feb. 7 at the Tacoma Art Museum, two professionals from...