
Cross-department shortages create domino effect in the Diner

By Nikki Hindmam   From early morning breakfast to late night snacks, the Diner is open for our students to feast at. Although we are slowly starting to see a return to normalcy from COVID-19, the Diner still struggles with a pandemic-related staff shortage. Unlike other locations on campus such as Diversions or Oppenheimer Café, the Diner hires full-time non-student workers. I sat down with Rutie MacKenzie-Margulies, a full-time staff worker at the Diner, to ask about her experiences. When she was a student, she worked in the Cellar until she...

Peer Allies shifts away from voluntary student labor

By Albert Chang-Yoo The following story discusses themes of sexual violence and abuse. If you are someone you know needs resources, please refer to the end of this piece. Peer Allies, the University of Puget Sound’s student support group for victims of sexual violence, has historically relied on voluntary, unpaid student labor. Now, that standard is set to change. Starting this semester, the University has authorized the creation of three paid Peer Ally positions with more extensive training, with the hope of reducing student burnout and fostering a healthier environment...
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