The Happy Trail

The Happy Trail

Savor the path of sexual build-up

Whilst I was studying for an Anatomy test just now, I cracked a joke to myself about wanting to study someone’s anatomy. Concentration-wise, it was all down hill from there. What first started the derailment was that during most studious note-taking on my part, I read about blood vessels “penetrating.” My mind instantly flashed to the gutter (not in a boner joke type of way, but in a curious yet kinda turned on sort of way.) Thus, here I am, channeling my good sexual energy into a column. When you’re...
The Happy Trail

Don’t let the campus gender ratio get you down

Starting out, a fresh semester is peppered with new binders, reunions with friends and, for some, slumping back into a self-defeatist attitude regarding one’s love life in this petri dish of a community. The latter is something I have seen many a strong person fall victim to. Many times what perpetuates or aggravates this scenario is a little something I like to call the 60/40 blues. . The 60/40 refers to the approximate female/male ratio on campus. Since my freshman year, my feelings toward this interesting dynamic have fluctuated from...
The Happy Trail

Sexual directness: the good, the bad and the ugly

The other day whilst jogging, someone yelled “Nice butt!” to me. I wanted to shoot back with what I admiringly witnessed my older cousin say to someone once in a similar scenario: “Keep it up! That’s how you get a girlfriend!” But my endorphin-addled brain prohibited this course of action. On the bright side, it led me to my topic of the week: sexual directness. What works and what really, really emphatically ‘what-were-you-thinking’ does not? Cat-calling falls into the latter category. As a female, I can say it is flattering...
The Happy Trail

Getting down at Puget Sound

Sex. Let’s talk about it. This is the first article of my (hopefully recurring) sex column. I will do my best to be less annoying than Carrie Bradshaw, but no promises. For starters, this column is a personal challenge. Or an inside joke, depending on how you look at it. To be clear, The Trail is not a joke; the joke is that I haven’t exactly had sex. Yet here I am. That’s the funny thing about sex: the complexity of such a simple act that can make you satisfied...
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