The Happy Trail

The Happy Trail

Literotica should be funny, not stiff

During high school, my guy friends and I loved nothing more than to kneel in the corner of the Borders erotica section and whisper the most sordid sex stories to each other. Nothing like a few “torn bodices” and “throbbing members” to brighten up your after-school experience! Flipping through a book of short stories, a veritable Hemingway oeuvre of innuendo, I came upon an exceptionally ridiculous tale (pun intended). In some sort of unforeseen, sexy future, a woman was being held captive by two well-endowed men in loin cloths. The...
The Happy Trail

Taking time for sexual inventory: Tips for the new year

Like the annual turning of a new calendar year every Jan. 1, it is high time to toast to a new year—school year, that is. In keeping with the spirit of such a light-hearted holiday, it only seems fitting to have a contemplative moment to review, reflect and perhaps even come up with some resolutions for these two upcoming semesters. Let’s face it: not all events with a romantic or sexual nature (or the funky gray area in between the two) go peachy keen. Things get messy. Uncontrollable situations spring...
The Happy Trail

A lesson on female genital fluids

Alright, class, let’s start with a little word association: sticky, wet, gush, shoot, trickle, slosh, drip, slippery, warm, secretion. Blushing yet? It is an exceedingly natural thing to produce fluids, yet for some reason it is a source of discomfort, insecurity and confusion for many. Today’s column deals with female fluids, but fear not, for next week shall be all about the dude side of things. As cited from Aphrodite Women’s Health online, women often view the smell, taste, appearance and feel of their genitals (the vulva) negatively even though...
The Happy Trail

Re-thinking college virginity

On an episode of the TV show “Community,” the character Shirley says, “Being a virgin in this day and age is something to be proud of. You’re like a unicorn.” Most virgins at our age would probably resent this. The word itself is just never complementary whenever I hear it on a college campus. It is almost always used patronizingly, or knowing that someone is a virgin is an extra-juicy gossip morsel. Instead of seeing virginity as exciting because one gets to try something new for the first time, many...
The Happy Trail

Pornography perpetuates genital insecurity

In this sex-centric place in time and space we call life, chances are you may (have) come across myriad types of genitalia during your sexual career. However, the diversity of the genitalia you experience is likely to depend on how you experience it—whether it is via real-world relations, the Internet, magazines or (let’s face it) the mirror. As you explore the human body, you may be surprised, perhaps even confused at what you find. The quintessential cock/vag glorified on the internet may look completely different from what you’ve got going...
The Happy Trail

Savor the path of sexual build-up

Whilst I was studying for an Anatomy test just now, I cracked a joke to myself about wanting to study someone’s anatomy. Concentration-wise, it was all down hill from there. What first started the derailment was that during most studious note-taking on my part, I read about blood vessels “penetrating.” My mind instantly flashed to the gutter (not in a boner joke type of way, but in a curious yet kinda turned on sort of way.) Thus, here I am, channeling my good sexual energy into a column. When you’re...
The Happy Trail

Don’t let the campus gender ratio get you down

Starting out, a fresh semester is peppered with new binders, reunions with friends and, for some, slumping back into a self-defeatist attitude regarding one’s love life in this petri dish of a community. The latter is something I have seen many a strong person fall victim to. Many times what perpetuates or aggravates this scenario is a little something I like to call the 60/40 blues. . The 60/40 refers to the approximate female/male ratio on campus. Since my freshman year, my feelings toward this interesting dynamic have fluctuated from...
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