The Happy Trail

The Happy Trail

Sexual perfection: an unobtainable goal

Practice makes perfect. But does this prove true for our sexual lives? No matter how amazing one is while in the bedroom (or on the couch, on the floor, outdoors, et cetera) there is always a disconnect between how we imagine things to unfold and what actually happens. Did I put that in the right place? Was I communicating enough with my partner? Regardless, things never go exactly as we draw them up in our head; it is impossible for things to go ‘perfectly’ if there are two (or more)...
The Happy Trail

Campus community shares thoughts on sex positivity

A first-year student of the University of Puget Sound sits in Diversions Café, awaiting their steaming and caffeinated beverage. She glances around her, hoping to find a distraction for the ensuing wait, and her eyes alight upon a new edition of The Trail, open to a section entitled The Happy Trail. “Ah yes!” the student thinks, “I’ve heard of this—the sex-positive source for student expression and information on sexual matters.” And yet this new student cannot help but think, “What does being ‘sex- positive’ mean?” Perhaps you have been, or...
The Happy Trail

“Broad City”

A new duo that could be likened to Amy Poehler and Tina Fey has emerged on Comedy Central, produced by the former actress. The show follows two self proclaimed “Jewesses” Abbi Abrams and Ilana Wexler (played by creators Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer) and their shenanigans in New York City. When explaining this show to people, I have called it the feminine/East Coast equivalent of “Workaholics.” But the only thing that makes it feminine is that the main characters are female and discuss feminist issues. Why is this show so...
The Happy Trail

Stand With Monica: Combatting Phoenix’s Project ROSE

A page on Phoenix, Arizona’s Sex Workers Outreach Project website is asking people to sign a pledge protesting Project ROSE (Reaching Out to the Sexually Exploited), a program tied with recent laws that claim to “rescue” sex workers. Most recently, the project has gained media attention because of the arrest and conviction of sex worker advocate and trans* woman of color Monica Jones. The founder of Project ROSE claims that it is providing services to those illegally involved in “prostitution and sex trafficking situations,” and that it works towards harm...
The Happy Trail

Sex outdoors: a great escape?

The weather is warming up, and clothes are being stripped off. Summer is just around the corner, and it seems like the perfect time to explore sex outside! But before you frolic around town, there are a couple things that you should consider. First of all, what are we talking about here? When I talk about outdoor sex, I don’t mean sex in remote wilderness locations for just you, your partner and the mountains. Many might think of that as the ideal. I’m talking about sex in public and semi-public...
The Happy Trail

Vive la Spring!

The sun is finally breaking through a dank, dark winter here at Puget Sound, and don’t you all look radiant. All over campus, hair is shining, eyes are twinkling and carefree smiles are breaking out more naturally and more often. The vibe has grown noticeably happier in the past month—not to mention hornier. What is it about spring that makes us suddenly realize how ridiculously good-looking, funny and smooth we all are? I’m not just waxing here: “Spring fever” is a legit phenomenon that has even been featured on WebMD....
The Happy Trail

Bra-blematic choice

by DD WOOD Big-breasted compatriots, it’s time to ditch the over-the-shoulder-boulder-holders. Although bras can be cute, or even beautiful, the harsh reality is that they are rarely comfortable. For A and B cups, the solution is simple; ditch the gear. But for us larger laden ladies, leaving our breast friends unsupported doesn’t seem like a viable option. But what if we could change that? All that bra burning of the 70’s seems to have fallen by the wayside. Many women feel that they would be violating a social code, regardless...
The Happy Trail

Dance, sexuality intertwined

Dance is an incredibly powerful action. Sometimes, in the midst of our crazy lives, we forget to take time to dance. Sometimes, even when we’re in the position to dance, we get self-conscious and forget to let go, be ourselves and let the movement permeate our beings. This, in my opinion, is a tragedy. It’s also important to remember that while dancing can be sexy, it doesn’t have to be about sex. I recently surveyed a few students and alumni and asked them about their relationships with dancing, why they...
The Happy Trail

In defense of a small school hookup culture: How a close-knit community can build accountability

I would like to share some reflections gathered over the last three and a half years in regards to small-school hookup and dating culture. At small schools, or in small communities, it’s easy to build a reputation. This can be good or bad. A small community can hold people accountable to their actions. One example of this is Peer Allies. In the last three years they have grown into a recognizable and widely effective force on campus in fighting sexual assault due in part to the ability to engage a...
The Happy Trail

Slurred words and blurred lines: Understanding the problem of consent while under the influence

The intersection of alcohol and consent on college campuses is a complicated issue. Many students are undoubtedly consuming alcohol, and a lot of these students are also engaging in sexual activity. Whether it’s a coincidence or because they feel the need for “liquid courage” in order to initiate a sexual encounter, students are engaging in sex under the influence. How should a person navigate a situation where both booze and libido are in play? The answer is not immediately obvious, and with good reason. As Bebe La Grua, an officer...
The Happy Trail

Beating around the bush: embracing masturbation

Masturbation is a common practice. In a survey run by the Journal of Sexual Medicine, by the age of 16-17 over half of males and about a quarter of females in the sample size said they had masturbated at least once in the past month. In the Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality, one study of a sample of undergraduate college students said that 98 percent of men and 44 percent of women reported having ever masturbated. But when was the last time you remember having a conversation about it...
The Happy Trail

Hormonal birth control may affect attraction

It’s quite well-known that female hormonal birth control, particularly oral contraceptives, can often have some undesirable side effects. Mood swings, weight gain, tacky discharge and decreased (or more rarely, increased) libido are all commonly cited concerns. Fortunately, with so many brands of birth control available, many women are able to fine tune their baby-blocking hormonal cocktail to minimize these side effects. Others are content to tolerate them in favor of eliminating risk or simply enjoying more spontaneous, intimate sex without need for a condom. For many women, hormonal birth control...
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