Issue 6NewsSports & OutdoorsYakama Nation Fights to Clean Up Highly Contaminated Bradford IslandEditor-in-ChiefApril 26, 2022By Reed Loer The Bonneville Dam Complex sits in the Columbia River...
Issue 6NewsRoundup on Campus Contradicts University Motto: “Loggers Live Green”Editor-in-ChiefApril 26, 2022By Emma Loenicker Capriana Jiang, third-year, took action after witnessing a groundskeeper...
Issue 6NewsNew COVID variant and maskingEditor-in-ChiefApril 26, 2022By Hannah Lee On April 4th, President Crawford sent a campus-wide email...
Issue 5Issue 5NewsTacoma’s hospital policies through COVID peaks and valleysEditor-in-ChiefMarch 30, 2022by Hannah Lee Washington State lifted its indoor mask mandate on...
HighlightsIssue 5Issue 5NewsAn Interview with the JSU Executive Board Members: responding to recent antisemitic vandalismEditor-in-ChiefMarch 29, 2022By: Milo Hensely The University of Puget Sound campus community received...
Issue 5Issue 5NewsSCOTUS nomination to put through “exhaustive review”Editor-in-ChiefMarch 28, 2022By Emma Loenicker On Feb. 25th, 2022, President Joe Biden nominated...
Issue 5Issue 5NewsPierce County households face $93 million in late rent bills as moratoriums liftEditor-in-ChiefMarch 28, 2022 By Emma Loenicker Pierce County households face $93 million in late rent...
Issue 4NewsMass information spread hinders Putin’s tacticsEditor-in-ChiefMarch 13, 2022By Albert Chang-Yoo Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine, a country of 44...
Issue 4NewsPutin’s possible incentives: Professor Tromly weighs inEditor-in-ChiefMarch 13, 2022By Miles Cruger The rapidly developing Russo-Ukraine crisis began with the fall...
Issue 4NewsVoter turnout down in unopposed ASUPS electionEditor-in-ChiefMarch 13, 2022By Emma Loenicker On Feb. 24th, 2022, the student body had...
Issue 4NewsWashington drops indoor mask mandateEditor-in-ChiefMarch 13, 2022By Hannah Lee Washington follows states such as California, Connecticut, and...
Issue 4NewsCOVID’s correlation to diminishing mental healthEditor-in-ChiefMarch 13, 2022By Hannah Lee According to a study published in the BMJ,...