Arts & Events

Arts & Events

How to manage your stress with a healthy diet

Reading period is quickly approaching and stress levels are up the wazoo. How do I know this? Within 48 hours of arriving back on campus, three of my perfectly healthy housemates were stricken with various colds and general sickness. We spent Thanksgiving break eating loads of great food and enjoying time with family and friends, but now it’s back to our routines and countless hours studying in the library, meaning finals are upon us. In these next few weeks, think about including the foods this article mentions in your daily...
Arts & Events

All hail 2011’s rock goddesses

WARNING: If you have experienced a crying jag in the past 24 hours due to excessive consumption of pregnant Beyonce photos or Adele songs, I highly suggest you take some time to detox before reading on. For my final article of 2011, it seemed appropriate to reflect on one of the most awesome musical trends this year: female domination. Of course, female artists still have many industry-imposed hurdles to overcome. Now, I’m not talking about the Lady Gagas and Katy Perrys of the world; they have received plenty of attention...
Arts & Events

Child’s Play, a unique Seattle-based charity provides video games for hospitalized children

A ny child of the 90s who’s worth his weight in Pogs will remember those sleepless winter nights, the Christmas Eves whose distant, golden mornings promised Gameboys, Pokemon cards and Super Mario. Those of us who still harbor warm memories of the games that shaped our childhood do well to pass on that joy to those who need it most. Children in hospitals across the country receive much-needed toys and games donated by gamers giving back and mediated by the charity organization Child’s Play. Child’s Play was founded by Mike...
Arts & Events

Unknown allergies a hazard

It’s that time of month again. “Jane” wakes up, pops the next placebo in her birth control pack, and goes to the bathroom to change her pad. Like many women, Jane wears pads to bed to avoid the time restrictions of tampons and sleep through the night. While admittedly less comfortable, she enjoys the freedom of sleeping for a delicious 12 hours straight on weekends without worrying about the rare chance of TSS. But this morning, something is wrong. Perhaps the insides of her thighs are purple and swollen. Perhaps...
Arts & Events

New movie releases to keep in mind for the final weeks of 2011

By the time this goes to print, we’ll all be done with class and gearing up for finals. As the semester comes to a close, so does 2011, and with that, the end of yet another Hollywood movie cycle. This year was especially notable for the record-breaking number of sequels produced: 27. Looking at the top ten highest grossing movies of the year, only two were not sequels, The Smurfs and Rio, and only one was a new IP. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Transformers: Dark of...
Arts & Events

Brothers From Another visit the Puget Sound area

Brothers From Another, a rap duo from Seattle, visited Puget Sound on Friday, Nov. 18. They stopped by a house party at 12th and Adams and graced undergrads and Tacoma locals alike with phat beats in a packed and sweaty unfinished basement. Despite competition from SAE’s Tron-themed dance party, Brothers From Another managed to fill the house with dancing Loggers. Recently, Brothers From Another released their first full-length album, Quality of Living, pulling the title from a quote on the group’s website: “We have realized that what life really is...
Arts & Events

Let reading period rock your world: top five songs to ensure a frisky finals week

With the holiday season in full swing, I wanted to bestow upon you, dear readers, the gift that keeps on giving. With a nod to High Fidelity, I thought that a “Top Five” list would be the perfect choice. However, I was left with the question: top five what? I thought about making a list like “Best Songs to Listen to when Wrapping Gifts” or “Top Five Holiday Jams that Make us Miss ‘The OC’.” But then it dawned on me that as much as you would all like to...
Arts & Events

The Skin I Live In, Almodóvar’s stirring dramatic horror

On Oct. 14, Pedro Almodóvar’s latest film La piel que habito was released in U.S. theaters with the translated title The Skin I Live in. The film showed at The Grand Cinema throughout late November, after a limited release and slow distribution. Almodóvar, an internationally acclaimed Spanish filmmaker, is known for his work on such films as Hable con ella (Talk to Her), La mala educación (Bad Education), and Volver (Return). With La piel que habito, he continues to explore themes for which he has garnered a reputation: gender, sexuality,...
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