OpinionsLetter to the Editor: Gaza vigil responseEditor-in-ChiefOctober 8, 2014To see Professor Weinberger's letter, click here. Professor Weinberger: I was...
OpinionsLetter to the Editor: Gaza vigilEditor-in-ChiefOctober 8, 2014To read a response to this letter from J Street U Northwest...
OpinionsThe Trail asks students: What did you learn from the Race and Pedagogy Conference?Editor-in-ChiefOctober 3, 2014Marissa Stafford, first year: “It broadened my understanding of what other people...
OpinionsCrows on campus causing problems for studentsSophie CarrOctober 3, 2014The crow population on campus can accurately be described as pervasive. There...
Combat ZoneCommencement Hall residents increase demands for luxuriesNickolas KrugerApril 25, 2014Now that the new residence hall, otherwise known as Commencement Hall, has...
OpinionsOn-campus living limits students from gaining valuable life skillsIda Dunn-MooreApril 4, 2014By IDA DUNN-MOORE Starting this year, the University took a major step...
FeaturesFood and Safety Committee forms a merger with ASUPS to keep food-borne illnesses at bayNakisha Renee JonesOctober 26, 2012Two very necessary components of life are food and safety. Everyone needs...
FeaturesHighlightsProfessors facilitate discussion addressing ‘A War on Women’ in current political discourseHaila SchultzOctober 26, 2012Not long after the closing statement of the second presidential debate on...
FeaturesHighlightsRace and Pedagogy Initiative revisits campusNakisha Renee JonesOctober 12, 2012The United States has 2.3 million people behind bars at any moment....
FeaturesStudents bridge gaps of gender and faithNakisha Renee JonesOctober 5, 2012The Intersection of Spirituality and Gender writing workshop and talking circle took...
FeaturesReligious awareness necessary for all American university studentsSabine GlockerOctober 5, 2012As the weather cools and students ease into their academic schedules, we...
FeaturesStudent employment: an overviewNakisha Renee JonesSeptember 28, 2012The decision whether to work or not while being a student at...