Combat Zone

Shower Brown: Coming Fall 2012!

S h o w e r   B r o w n


What is ShowerBrown?

Modeled after PrintGreen, the Library’s most successful program since Citrix Xen App, ShowerBrown is an exciting new way to manage shower time and save money for Trustee Galas promote sustainability on campus.

How will ShowerBrown work?

Each student will be allocated 400 “shower credits” of water per semester. A “shower” is defined as forty-five seconds of sixty-five degree water, so if you were to wet both ventral and dorsal regions of the body two shower credits would be used.

This is the exact same format you’ve grown to love in PrintGreen! You don’t get 750 pages, you get half that!

If the allocation of 400 credits is depleted, you will be charged an arbitrary and profitable price of $10 per credit! Even better, you’ll be able to pay online, where money has no tangible meaning!

Past statistics that we made up and do not cite or make available show that most students never use more than 200 showers and those that do most likely do not have good reasons. We don’t know; we didn’t check.

When does ShowerBrown Start?

ShowerBrown will start August 27, 2012, the first day of Fall Semester. Look forward to upcoming sustainability programs: ElectricityYellow and OxygenClear!