The Happy Trail

Online ExclusivesThe Happy Trail

Dirty talk sparks debate on respect in the bedroom

Usually silence is golden, although not always in the bedroom. Some people think that they need to buy a new product in order to make their sex life exciting, but there is often an easy fix: dirty talk. Dirty talk does not have to be an art form, it can range from using a few explicit words and phrases in the bedroom to playing out an entire fantasy. Of course, if you want to start talking dirty, it’s important to chat with your partner beforehand so you’re both aware of...
The Happy Trail

Gendered costumes highlight inequalities

Halloween is a time for self-expression. The costume possibilities are endless; anything goes with Ninja Turtle, pirate and sexy nun costumes all passing as acceptable. Concerns are generally aimed at the latter costume, or any other costumes fitting into the “sexy” genre. Halloween is a strangely sexualized holiday, but even more disturbing are the social conditions under which it is sexualized. It is rather shocking to see a sexy hamburger or pizza costume, and yet these still sell. Overall Halloween sales are estimated to increase from last year. The National...
Online ExclusivesThe Happy Trail

College perfect time to experiment with fetishes and kinks

College, as we know, is a time for experimenting (and not just in Biology lab). We make a lot of discoveries about ourselves during our college years. Through this experimentation we are able to figure out our own likes and dislikes on a range of topics, including our sexual desires and kinks. Understanding sexual preferences is hard, and accepting them is even harder. Unfortunately, fetishes and kinks are highly stigmatized in our culture. To be clear, according to the Kinsey Institute at the University of Indiana, a fetish is “a...
The Happy Trail

Bathrooms ignite gender equality debate

For transgender and non-binary students—those who do not identify with restrictive gender labels such as ‘male’ and ‘female’—public facilities often fall short. In speaking with Denise Parry, a student who identifies as non-binary, it became clear that Puget Sound needs to improve the treatment of non-binary students. This would mean doing things like having professors ask students what their preferred pronouns are and eliminating gender essentialist statements. The most urgent matter is the one regarding bathrooms on campus. “The bathroom problem is still an issue for a lot of people...
The Happy Trail

App Tinder changing relationship dynamics

Tinder is many things; it is all at once shallow, convenient and hilarious. For those not familiar with Tinder, it is an app where users swipe right if they are interested in someone’s profile or left to pass. If two people both swipe right, they are considered a match and can then send each other messages. Many have complained that this leads to shallow evaluations. Why subject yourself to that kind of scrutiny? In fact, it is ridiculous to pretend that this scrutiny does not already exist on some level....
The Happy Trail

Semen: spit or swallow?

Now comes the question you have, all this time, been pondering: to swallow, or not to swallow?  There is the possibility that you yourself are in biological possession of an organ of a phallic nature, and therefore may appreciate the delightful sensation of having your semen swallowed as you orgasm. Perhaps, you are not in possession of a penis biologically, but can sympathize with this person and want to bring them pleasure. But then again, perhaps you find semen somewhat repulsive, and have no wish to consume it, for fear...
Online ExclusivesThe Happy Trail

Minority feminist movements: media and the role of the majority

With the 2014 Race and Pedagogy Conference in full swing this past weekend, it seemed fitting to do research on minority feminist movements. Any discussion in this article will revolve around the information and commentary on the web.  This is, of course, where most feminist discussion takes place nowadays. Occasionally we will see the jaw-dropping public display, such as Beyonce’s VMA performance, where the word “Feminist” was proudly shining in lights behind her. Recently we even saw former Harry Potter star Emma Watson deliver a speech to the U.N. inviting...
The Happy Trail

Mopping up downstairs

Douching. It’s a scary word, isn’t it? For a great many readers, the mere sight of this word causes them to shrink away and shrivel like withering flowers. “Douche not,” they cry, “for fear of infections and secretions of an unpleasant and potentially odorous nature!” Yet simultaneously, there are those readers who look upon douching and think to themselves, “What wondrous practice this is!  How clean and shiny-new I am for my sexual partner(s) after performing it.” But let us not get carried away in damnation or praise of this...
Online ExclusivesThe Happy Trail

Title IX and you: law gives students more options

As the school year begins, a natural amount of nervousness surfaces about what this semester will mean in terms of friendships, new romantic relationships, hookups, and yes, perhaps some schoolwork as well. While all these concerns are normal, for some of us there may be a bit of anxiety about what to do in case we have a sexual encounter that does not follow the rules of consent, an incident of sexual harassment or discrimination based on our sexual or gender identities. Of course, whenever such an incident occurs on...
The Happy Trail

Male contraceptive options expanding

Contraceptives come in all shapes and sizes, but they have one thing in common; women’s bodies are their targets. Women have been bombarded with birth control options ever since the Food and Drug Administration approved the first oral contraceptive in 1960. According to Planned Parenthood’s website, the only male-oriented birth control options available are “abstinence, condoms, outercourse, vasectomy withdrawal.” However, this could all be subject to change as a new method of birth control will hopefully be added to the list of available possibilities. Vasalgel, a product developed by Parsemus...
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