Arts & Events

Arts & Events

Overlooking The Sound: A review of KUPS radio shows

This week: Back on the Boogie, a music genealogy with DJ Lil’ Bito Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. These are the first weeks of live DJs on KUPS 90.1FM The Sound. This is also the premier of Overlooking The Sound, a column randomly critiquing radio shows. To you DJs who are relieved to have gotten a show: don’t go lax, someone is always listening. Yes, someone heard the four syllable curse word you let fly last Wednesday, so thank you for apologizing, you morning hosts. There were no such mistakes on...
Arts & Events

Upright Citizens Brigade brings humor to daily student life

Our very own Schneebeck stage was graced with talented performers for a rousing evening of off-the-script comedy two Saturdays ago, on Sept. 22. Three members of the prestigious Upright Citizens Brigade (UCB) comedy troupe provided a much-appreciated weekend break in which the lofty thinking Puget Sound students could engage, standing by their troupe motto: Don’t Think. UCB is an improvisational comedy troupe based in New York City and Los Angeles, producing such established comedians as Amy Poehler, Jack McBrayer, Ed Helms, Bobby Moynihan and many more. The group has theaters...
Arts & Events

Movie industry enacting déjà vu with remakes

As Yogi Berra said, “It’s déjà vu all over again.” With every trip to the movie theater, it seems that the trailers for the “new” movies are not “new” at all. The reduxes, the spin offs, and the never-ending series that have come to make up Hollywood’s lineup has disregarded originality. Not that the “good ‘ol days” of cinema offered more variety, there are enough John Wayne “spaghetti westerns” to feed a small village. The influx of successful movies with non-original ideas has led fewer innovative films while simultaneous reinforcing...
Arts & Events

Puget Sound fall fashion trends make their usual mark on campus

Taking advantage of the rare amount of sunshine in the first few weeks of school, Loggers put a hold on the rain boots and Northface jackets and broke out the floral skirts, flip flops and a whole lot of flannel. With students coming from so many different parts of the world, you can look forward to diversity in fashion across campus. However, a boho-chic vintage look seems to be dominating the Puget Sound population. Long, flowing maxi skirts and blazers garnished with large buttons are gaining popularity with girls, while...
Arts & Events

Decibel Festival provides much more than just consecutive concerts

On Sept. 26 through Sept. 30 a new community will be fostered. Not a community of solely musicians, disc jockeys, or recording technicians, but a community of artists. This community will develop under the umbrella of the Decibel Festival. Decibel is much more than a music festival, it is a growth opportunity for consumers and creators of any media. Along with an impressive line-up of over 100 musical artists, Decibel provides showcases, workshops, conferences, and visual media installations. “What’s cool is that it takes over the city,” KUPS general manager...
Arts & Events

Array of local concerts proves promising this fall

What are you up to this month? Or maybe next month? Not sure, huh? Well, want to do something fun and exciting out in the Seattle-Tacoma area? That’s what I thought. Here are a few music-inspired ideas for the wonderful, musical place in which we live. When was the last time you got all dressed up, had some hors d’oeuvres and enjoyed a sultry and classy evening of jazz? Probably not recently enough. If you want to correct this, look into seeing the wonderful Mr. Kurt Elling at Dimitrou’s Jazz...
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