Run out of meal ideas at the S.U.B.? Sick of your staple deli sandwich? Don’t get discouraged. A trip off campus to Gateway to India will knock you out of your S.U.B. food slump, not to mention get you familiar with the 6th Avenue food scene. Located on 6th and Fife, just a twenty minute walk from school, Gateway offers authentic Northern Indian cuisine in a warm, comforting environment. The soft lighting and rich, golden décor create an undeniably inviting atmosphere, reflective of the rich, satisfying food to come. This...
Veteran choir singers know all too well that the presence of “too many sopranos” is a familiar dilemma to coed groups the world over. Since most men are not necessarily so inclined to participate in choir, this problem often arises from having too many women. Puget Sound’s joint venture of the School of Music and the Theater department deals with a choir of a different caliber: the Heavenly Chorus. The first act of this comic opera begins when four Divas (sopranos) ascend to Heaven, only to find that there is...
What is that? Springtime is in the air? Well, at least March is in the air, which means spring break is nearing for the students at Puget Sound. This also means professors are strategically planning their lesson plans to have a paper due when students return, and said students will likely not have it done until the Sunday before class starts again. However, before the work is to be done there are adventures to be had. Some are venturing home, and some around the world. “I’m going to Belize and...
An air of anticipation hangs over many students on the Puget Sound campus. Many upperclassmen have applied to study abroad in the coming year and they are anxiously awaiting the results of their applications that were due on Feb. 15. Students applied to schools all over the world, from Tanzania to Denmark. According to the study abroad website, “The Office of International Programs focuses on providing opportunities for International education and fostering an appreciation for cultural diversity at the University of Puget Sound.” The Office of International Programs, located in...
Puget Sound may not be known for its religious diversity, but Interfaith Coordinators Adriana Flores, Rebecca Short and Ian Fox are inspired to change that with the information they took away from the fifth national conference for collegiate interfaith councils last weekend. Held on the Princeton University campus, “Coming Together 5: A Venture Across Religious Boundaries” was put on with the goal of helping eliminate religious division in collegiate communities by providing student leaders with the opportunity to discuss how to do so on their respective campuses. Coming Together (CT)...