One of the newest trends on campus seems to be completing the 30-day challenge at Expand Yoga. The challenge is simple: the participant pays for an unlimited month of yoga. It’s $100 for community members; however, students receive a discount of 50 percent, lowering the cost to only $50. That’s not the real challenge though. The real challenge is attending class every day for 30 days. If the challenger is able to do this, they get their next month of yoga free. According to the staff, the challenge changes lives....
“All will come again into its strength: the fields undivided, the water undammed, the trees towering and the walls built low. And in the valleys, people as strong and as varied as the land.” —Rilke This is the motto of Make Way For Monarchs, a ‘Milkweed-Monarch Recovery Alliance,’ which is co-facilitated by Dr. Gary Paul Nabhan. Last Wednesday, Oct. 8, Nabhan gave a talk titled “Milkweeds and Monarchs” for the Puget Sound community. He spoke about the declining population of pollinators and their importance to the health of...
Technology is amazing, but when does it stop enhancing life and start inhibiting it? Nowadays most students always have a smart phone, tablet or computer close at hand. Even though these items can serve a useful purpose in an academic atmosphere, more often than not they are used for methods of procrastination. “I think devices are awesome and I use a lot of technology myself, but the majority of the ways we use these devices hurt us in terms of concentration and focus,” Rachael Gary, Learning Support Services Coordinator at...