The Happy Trail

The “Discovery” of Male Birth Control: Science or Culture?

Male birth control has been a popular topic of late as a new male birth control pill called TDI-11861 was introduced in February of 2023. This new pill lowers the mobility of sperm and renders them unable to fertilize an egg. This pill will allow for male fertility to be chosen day-to-day, as full fertility will return 24 hours after the pill has been taken, and has shown success in preventing conception in mice. There have been a variety of responses to this relatively new development on and off social...
Letters to the EditorOpinions

African American Studies’ Public Scholarship Class Presents: Articles about Race, Class, and the Puget Sound Experience

An Introduction: At the beginning of the semester, our professor asked us to think about something we were discouraged by and were also eager to change. We mentioned various topics, but the area that we all continued to return to and focus on was one related to our own campus community. Despite being from varying backgrounds, we all were concerned about how race and class operated on our campus. We had been learning about the complexity and compoundedness of race and class in our African American Studies (AFAM) courses, but...
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