By Audrey Davis, Contributing Editor On Tuesday, Oct. 18, President Crawford emailed the campus community announcing the commitment of $10 million dollars toward the University’s endowment from the Tom and Meg Names Family Foundation. The donation is intended to aid the college’s endowment for athletic programming. The gift will be divided, with $8 million establishing the Tom and Meg Names Family Foundation Endowed Fund for Athletics Programming and $2 million going towards the already established Tom and Meg Names Family Endowed Fund for Athletics. The $2 million commitment...
By Sara Orozco, KUPS Correspondent Those with a job working for any of the media organizations on campus probably are asking the same thing: where are our paychecks? Since the beginning of this semester, almost all staff members in KUPS, Crosscurrents, Wetlands, Elements, Photo Services, and The Trail have been missing their pay. There’s one thing we can say for sure: It’s no longer in ASUPS’ hands. ASUPS approves budgets and student stipends through a lengthy bureaucratic process of senate meetings, but as of right now, only two positions...
By Amelia Pooser Everyone at some point in their life has been a virgin, a universal human truth. But as universal as this phenomenon is, the topic continues to be taboo, Why? Most are exposed to the topic of sex and virginity at a young age which should normalize the topic but virginity and losing it remains a censored and naughty topic of conversation. But what truly constitutes virginity? There are certainly pressures around having sex and “losing” your virginity, but this narrative is mainly centered around women who...