
Students use mobile apps to improve time management

Technology is amazing, but when does it stop enhancing life and start inhibiting it? Nowadays most students always have a smart phone, tablet or computer close at hand. Even though these items can serve a useful purpose in an academic atmosphere, more often than not they are used for methods of procrastination. “I think devices are awesome and I use a lot of technology myself, but the majority of the ways we use these devices hurt us in terms of concentration and focus,” Rachael Gary, Learning Support Services Coordinator at...

Introducing a new column: Puget Sound staff spotlights

Everyday we interact with various staff members, from janitors to professors, who are crucial to the smooth running of our school, yet very rarely do we stop to get to know them. In this monthly column, I’ll be doing just that. Why? Because from our first day on campus, we have been deluged with the promise that the University of Puget Sound is an all-accepting, all-inclusive community. While this is true in many ways, it seems only to apply to the students, but we are not the only ones here. ...

Passages creates opportunities for first years

The beginning of college can be nerve-racking: a new chapter in life, a new school, a new city and for some, a new state. However, Puget Sound’s orientation program, Preludes, Perspectives and Passages, consistently proves its capability at alleviating the fear for new students. A few days after arriving on campus, every batch of first years at the University is thrown into the three P’s of orientation—Prelude, Perspectives and Passages—and this year was no exception. Prelude introduces students to college-level academics in a one-day course that gives a rundown on...