HighlightsOpinionsGrads self-teach to pursue knowledgeKyle NunesApril 22, 2011Upon graduating from Puget Sound, a majority of students will be freed...
OpinionsReading aloud teaches all in ear-shotKyle NunesMarch 11, 2011Reading aloud in class, whether from a text book, an academic article...
OpinionsIncreasing consumption a failing economic paradigmKyle NunesFebruary 25, 2011In the aftermath of the economic recession of 2008, economists and politicians...
HighlightsOpinionsUnrest in North Africa unlikely to spread southKyle NunesFebruary 18, 2011Political changes are afoot in Tunisia and Egypt. News organizations have been...
OpinionsPublic intellectual life in need of revivalKyle NunesFebruary 11, 2011Seniors might welcome the prospect of graduation, but departing Puget Sound also...
OpinionsCampus needs journalism course, practicumKyle NunesDecember 10, 2010There is no journalism major at Puget Sound, yet The Trail attempts...
OpinionsIn class, longhand notes help cognitionKyle NunesDecember 3, 2010In this Age of Information, many Puget Sound students rely on their...
OpinionsFinished with the United States? Move to CanadaKyle NunesNovember 19, 2010Pick up and go north. For decades, that has been the mantra...
HighlightsOpinions‘Apolitical’ rallies polarizingKyle NunesNovember 12, 2010On Oct. 29 at the Washington Mall in Washington D.C., the satirists...
OpinionsMedia fails to represent natural crisesKyle NunesNovember 5, 2010On April 20 the Deep Water Horizon oil rig burst into flames...
HighlightsOpinionsXenophobic rhetoric facilitates persecutionKyle NunesOctober 29, 2010The European Union and the French government are embroiled in a dispute...
OpinionsU.S. owes medical test victimsKyle NunesOctober 15, 2010From 1946 to 1948, a physician for the National Institute of Health,...