

Peril and Power of College

By Julian Finholm The life of a college student is one of life’s more complicated stages. On one hand, it’s bound to be boring as you spend most of your time being forced to do things you don’t wish to do, like essays and exams. On the other hand, it’s quite a strength-building chapter in your life when you put in the effort towards getting things done. These character-building challenges can make anyone better at adapting to challenging topics, improve on interests that they are eager to improve on, and,...

Debates over movie runtime miss the point

By Andrew Benoit If you’ve seen a movie recently, you’ve probably been confronted with the common complaint that movies are just getting so long these days. Whatever happened to movies being 90 minutes? Plenty of recent long haulers do come to mind, like Scorsese’s “The Irishman” or Cameron’s “Avatar: The Way of Water,” both of which clock in at over three hours. Critics of these movies’ runtimes ask whether it’s reasonable for audiences to pay attention for such a long period of time. Yet these movies are the exception, not...

A computer storyteller? No thanks

By Julian Finholm As a storyteller, the creative energy I put into writing my stories is at one hundred percent, and that is what makes them feel alive. But it is a difficult process with the amount of brain power, life management and other factors like creativity regulation I have to deal with. One alternative I’ve come across is ChatGPT, the latest in the growing phenomenon of AI in today’s modern world. It’s supposed to write for you with only a simple prompt, yet if I were asked if I’d...
Letters to the EditorOpinions

Student of color scapegoated for laugh at town hall

Letter to the Editor: Dear readers, I read with consternation the recent email from VPs Lorna Hernandez Jarvis and Sarah Comstock in regards to the Nov. 16 Town Hall incident. Rather than a resolution to this painful situation, their message highlights the failure of our leadership and community to deal with and learn from this event.  The email indicates that following the incident “an individual promptly and voluntarily came forward to clarify that the sound that was made is their natural laugh.” Notwithstanding, the individual is now required to “participate...
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