The Happy Trail

The Happy Trail

Title IX defends the rights of students nationwide: How the revolutionary legal resource is being used to protect student victims of sexual assault and harassment

Lately in the mainstream media, there has been a focus on the prevalent nature of sexual violence on college campuses across the country. Most recently, a lawsuit was brought against Occidental College for the school’s alleged mishandling of sexual assault accusations. Many similar lawsuits have been brought against other colleges and universities in the wake of the U.S. Board of Education’s 2011 “Dear Colleague Letter,” which reminded every institution of higher education that it is their responsibility to investigate and prevent instances of sexual harassment, violence and discrimination. According to...
The Happy Trail

Debunking bedroom blunders

You’re getting hot and heavy. The moment feels just right, and you don’t want anything to come in and wreck it. Unfortunately, the chances are any time you get intimate with someone, it won’t go exactly the way you planned out in your head. A million things can happen that might burst your sexy-bubble: hair in the mouth, queefing, head-bumping, clothing getting stuck and unexpected visitors are just a few possible mishaps. Luckily, there are a handful of ways to get The Mood back and to even avoid “losing” it...
The Happy Trail

Tips on getting together

For some, the dating world is easy to navigate, but for the vast majority of us it’s an exercise in dealing with one’s own awkwardness. How do I know if they’re into me? How much are they into me? Is this a date, a one-night stand or a casual fling? Sex education isn’t only about the mechanics of sexual activity or the options available for birth control. Sometimes it’s about how to make sure your interactions with your intended partner are positive for everyone involved both in and out of...
The Happy Trail

Your hair, your choice

Hair is all over our bodies, whether it’s leg hair, arm hair, head hair, pubic hair, facial hair, nose hair or eyebrows. There are a variety of ways to remove body hair, including waxing, shaving, threading and laser hair removal. Some people remove their body hair, while others do not. Nobody has control over someone else’s body; whether a person removes hair or not is a personal choice. Frequently, people argue that when a woman shaves she is giving in to societal and gender norms. But what if she’s not?...
The Happy Trail

A handy guide to self exams

Men and women have different sexual needs; the same is true of their sexual health. While taking care of your private parts may seem like a daunting task, with a little bit of information you’ll be well on your way to maintaining a healthy reproductive system inside as well as outside of the bedroom. Here’s a primer on taking care of your sexy bits. For the ladies: Be sure to check your breasts monthly for signs of discoloration or possible lumps. While breast exams are now considered an optional part...
The Happy Trail

Is Beyoncé a feminist?

To say that Beyoncé Knowles is one of the most influential women in pop culture today is an understatement. In 2013 so far she has performed arguably the most spectacular Super Bowl half-time performance in history, been on the cover of almost every major magazine, released a documentary, become spokeswoman for Pepsi and started her world tour, “The Mrs. Carter Show.” Commercial popularity and economic success often comes with scrutiny, however, especially when it involves female celebrities’ own views on women’s rights. Recently, Taylor Swift and Katy Perry stated they...
The Happy Trail

Lesbian until graduation?: Exploring the stigma against fluid sexuality

The stigma against women’s sexuality is staggering. Despite great strides that have been made toward visibility and acceptance for queer and sexually empowered women, gay women are often pegged as “fake” or are accused of betraying their fellow lesbians if they decide they like men, too. Consider, for instance, a hypothetical freshman girl: she comes to school for the first time, unsure of her place in this tight-knit campus community. How will she be seen by others? The allure of labeling herself in order to feel more connected to her...
The Happy Trail

An unnecessary taboo in today’s open culture

Menstruation, or the process of shedding the uterine lining, occurs on a monthly basis in women from the time they hit puberty to the time they go through menopause, with the exception of the months they are pregnant and/or breast-feeding. Though, it should be acknowledged that women are not the only ones who menstruate. Trans-men and people who are facing gender dysphoria—when a person is not content with the sex he or she was assigned at birth—also menstruate. Every single day, people are menstruating all around the world, so you’d...
The Happy Trail

The unknown etymology of your old least favorite word

Cunt. It’s a pretty powerful word, but maybe not for the reasons you might think. For those of you who saw the Vagina Monologues, cunt is a word that’s being reclaimed by a lot of people who are tired of a word that is historically associated with female power being twisted into something shameful and derogatory. Contrary to what you might think, cunt doesn’t just mean “vagina,” though. There’s a rich history to the word that would make all those people who’ve ever used it as a putdown blush if...
The Happy Trail

Think before you pink

Breast cancer research gets the greatest amount of funding per death and new case of any form of cancer, including the most common form of cancer in the United States, lung cancer. Much of this funding “success” has to do with how well the breast cancer awareness message has been branded. Possibly the most successful breast cancer awareness campaign is the Pink Ribbon Campaign, credited with making a light, peachy pink synonymous with cancer research. Since 1991, the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation has been using the ubiquitous pink...
The Happy Trail

Slut-shaming a harmful societal trend

Slut-shaming is most frequently defined as the act of criticizing a woman for being sexual, whether it is in reference to her wardrobe, sexual escapades or even just her opinions on sex and sexuality. Slut-shaming occurs when someone tries to degrade a woman for behaving outside of outdated societal social norms. Unfortunately, although women are the most prominent targets, anyone can be the victim of slut-shaming, no matter gender or sexual orientation. Although we may not notice or choose to acknowledge it, slut-shaming happens all around the world every day....
The Happy Trail

Functional cure discovered

On Sunday, March 4, researchers announced that a Mississippi toddler has become the first child to ever be functionally cured of HIV, giving hope to many HIV- and AIDS-infected people worldwide that a cure to this seemingly incurable virus may be on the horizon. Typically, pregnant women in the United States are tested for HIV as a routine part of prenatal care so that those who are diagnosed can receive proper treatment in order to decrease the chances of their child inheriting the virus. The mother of this child, however,...
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