“Every advisor jumps at the opportunity to work with students, which I find to be the most welcoming and comfortable part about using CES as a resource,” senior and lead CES assistant Mackenzie Fisher said.
CES, or Career and Employment Services, is a free resource that all current and former students are able to use. CES helps students gain experience by meeting with advisors to look for part-time jobs or internships that suit them, and asking any questions they may have.
CES offers many services to students, including reviewing resumes, courses for career development and much more.
“We can consult with you in-person, over the phone, or via Skype!” CES’ website reads.
The consultations are also available throughout the year, but the only request by CES is to schedule an appointment for meetings that are more than just a quick résumé check.
Fisher has used the resources since her first year at Puget Sound.
“I have used it for internship searches, updating my resume, proofreading cover letters, taking career assessments,” Fisher said.
These resources are available to all students, whether they are first-years looking for a part-time job or a senior wanting to get their first job after college.
Another service CES provides are classes, worth .5 credits each, to help students learn more about their strengths. The classes, Career Development (CRDV) 201 and 301, run each semester. CRDV 201 is focused on career awareness while CRDV 301 is about career readiness.
Jake Nelko, the Assistant Director for Career Advising, teaches the 301 class. “Our office has this model: assess, explore, act,” Nelko said.
These classes help the students through this model so they are more informed when they officially join the workforce.
CES also puts on events for students and alumni to interact. There are Alumni Sharing Knowledge (ASK) nights, where alumni return to answer any questions students have about jobs.
Another event CES puts on is career fairs, which “provide a venue for all Puget Sound students to explore career options,” their website reads.
The next career fair is on Feb. 28 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in Upper Marshall Hall.
The events are a great way for students to network. “I would point to networking as the most effective way to learn,” Nelko said.
These events are a low-stress environment for students where students can network with people who have been in the Puget Sound environment. These events also allow students to learn which careers work with which majors.
The resources CES offers are mostly geared toward current students, though there are some exceptions. Alumni are encouraged to come by during ASK nights and talk with current students. These nights are a way “to connect with students who want to learn from your experience,” the CES website says.
The alumni are also encouraged to hire current Loggers by posting job opportunities on LoggerJobs.
LoggerJobs is an online resource where students can look for various types of internships, part-time jobs and full-time jobs. On LoggerJobs, students are able to enter information about themselves, from their GPA to their major. From there, students are able to view jobs that may be applicable to their time and their career interests.
Although much of CES is tailored to current students, alumni who graduated less than a year ago are allowed and encouraged to use CES resources.
For alumni who graduated more than one year ago, CES provides resources online for them to use. Most of these resources are Washington-based, but some are not quite as local. These resources, unlike CES, may not be free.
“You are here to further your opportunities and our office is here to give you some practical tools that will help you pursue whatever those opportunities are,” Nelko said.
If a student wishes to take advantage of the tools CES provides, they only need to call 253.879.3161 to make an appointment.