

National Greek Councils Drop Safe Campus Act

In light of pressure outside and within the Greek community, the National Panhellenic Council (NPC) and the National Interfraternity Council (NIC) have withdrawn their support for the Safe Campus Act, but remain in favor of the Fair Campus Act. According to congressional records, the NIC and the NPC have spent at least $210,000 lobbying for both the Fair and Safe Campus Acts. If implemented, these acts would change the process through which cases of sexual misconduct on campuses are reported, adjudicated, and resolved, limiting universities’ ability to act unilaterally to...

The University’s Violence Prevention Policy

Photo Courtesy Makaylaa Clancy   When he heard the shots beginning to fire, the security officer took cover behind a nearby house a block away from the shooting. He immediately reported the danger to a student security dispatcher, who then related the incident to authorities. Soon after, assistance arrived on the scene to help take care of the situation. South Sound 911, the agency that handles 911 calls for Pierce County, praised the student security workers on duty for how they handled themselves in the midst of a dangerous situation....

Demands of the Advocates for Institutional Change

Written by the members of the Advocates for Institutional Change. 1. We demand that the University of Puget Sound build a Cultural Center in the space that will be available where Warner Gym currently resides. The current space given to students in the SDC is insufficient and limited. It is unable to meet the needs of marginalized students on campus as over 30 clubs battle for time and space, it often is overcrowded and presents safety hazards, and the building itself is badly in need of repairs and additions. Student...

Death of Diversity Altar in the SUB

By Olivia Langen While Dia de los Muertos traditionally signifies a day of remembrance and celebration of lost family and friends, the Latinos Unidos club sought to provide a platform for marginalized groups with an altar in the piano lounge. This altar, organized by Latinos Unidos consisted of student artwork, narratives and photographs from students in clubs including the Black Student Union, the Asian Pacific American Student Union and Queer Alliance. “We wanted to make a statement this year with the altar,” sophomore and president of Latinos Unidos Amanda Diaz...

Over 200 march for Take Back the Night

Photo by Makaylaa Clancy   Every  two minutes, someone is raped in the United States, and a third of women in Washington State have been raped in their lifetime. 90% of college-aged  survivors know their attacker, according to the Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs.   According to  Security Services’ Annual Report, 7 rapes were reported on or near campus alone, and according to the RAINN (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network), 68% of rapes go unreported. It is statistics like these that Take Back the Night (TBTN) aims to...

Shots fired at Puget Sound Security Officers, man arrested

The intersection of 13th and Alder where the incident occurred. Photo courtesy Makaylaa Clancy.   Gun violence on college campuses has become a reality for many people in the United States, and the Puget Sound community is no exception. According to The News Tribune, 21-year-old Alex Kjellesvik, not a student at the University, has been charged with two counts of first-degree assault. The security alert sent by the University to students states that Kjellesvik fired  10 shots at campus security officers around 3 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 3. Kjellesvik began...

Project PEACE comes to the University of Puget Sound

Photo credit Presley Reed The Tacoma Police Department and City Management have recently held five discussion events for community members in the city of Tacoma. Through a new Program called Project PEACE (Policing Equity and Community Empowerment), the Tacoma Police Department has made themselves accessible to diverse members of the community in order to address tensions between the people and the police. Project PEACE held a discussion at the University of Puget Sound on Oct. 21. Using a network of community activists from groups like the Black Ministerial Alliance and...

One of a Kind Campaign bolsters endowment by $131.6 million

Since October 2011, the University of Puget Sound has conducted a fundraising campaign known as the One of a Kind campaign. The goal of the campaign was to raise $125 million from contributions from alumni, parents and friends. This past June, when the University concluded the campaign, the goal had been surpassed by an additional $6.6 million, bringing the total raised to $131.6 million from 28,493 respondents. Outgoing Puget Sound President, Ronald Thomas, commended this achievement. “It is remarkable how transformative this campaign has been for Puget Sound, and what...

Divestment gains traction at Puget Sound

The PSSU, a new student organization focusing on justice issues, protesting the Board of Trustee’s meeting on October 2.   The U.S. Forest Service spent a record-breaking $200 million per week combating wildfires this past summer according to the Department of Agriculture. Washington was one of the worst-affected states, can expect even hotter summers in the future. The National Research Council in 2011 stated that the Western United States can expect a 200–400% increase in area affected by wildfires in the Western United States. Mitigating global warming has been on...

University struggles to meet student financial need

Like many other first generation students, Roger has being navigating the waters of financial aid largely on his own since the beginning of his college experience. With tuition ballooning at colleges nationwide, is there more the University can do to make college more accessible for all? By Casey O'Brien and Allison Nasson Editors Note:  We have altered Roger Smith’s real name in order to avoid backlash targeting that individual. It is not the policy of The Trail to use pseudonyms or anonymous sources regularly, but in the course of investigating...
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