

  The Budget Task Force has sent their annual  budget proposal for the 2016-17 fiscal year to President Ron Thomas. The group is charged with hearing from various University constituents and compiling a budget for the President’s consideration, which he can then amend before submitting to the Board of Trustees for final approval. “The Budget Task Force process includes, essentially, representatives from all of the areas of the University come to speak to us,” Academic Vice President Kris Bartanen said. “They present written materials that provide history, context and comparison...

Fitness Center partially reopens

Photo Courtesy Makaylaa Clancy By Tyler Randazzo The new area of the fitness center, renovated as part of the broader Memorial Fieldhouse renovations, opened on Monday, Feb. 8. The new room adds more area to the existing fitness center and features new cardio equipment. “Once the remodel of the existing fitness area is finished, the two spaces will connect and substantially more new equipment will be added,” Director of Athletics Amy Hackett said. Hackett added that once both parts of the fitness center are open, the room will have a...

ASUPS Vice President Resigns

ASUPS Vice President Alissa Hartnig resigned at formal Senate on Thursday, Feb. 4, citing personal reasons. According to the ASUPS constitution, the Senate will elect a Senator to become Vice President for the remainder of the term. The person will be selected by a vote at ASUPS formal senate Feb. 11, according to Senate chair Lydia Bauer and  an email sent out by ASUPS president Nakisha Renee Jones announcing the change.  Spring elections to determine the 2016-2017 ASUPS President and Vice President will occur in March, following spring break, according...

Trans & non-binary inclusive housing options to be offered in the fall

New transgender/non-binary on-campus housing options are being offered in the fall of 2016 from Residence Life. The program will be two-tiered. The first is a “public” theme house option, where students can facilitate programs for the trans community on campus and be representatives and student leaders for other non-cisgender students. The second option is  confidential  with no public presence, and the location of the residence undisclosed to the campus at large, to protect students who may not be out or have other circumstances that would cause them to need a...

Two finalists selected for University President

  By Emily Schuelein The presidential search is coming to an end with two finalists for the position and the hope that the new president will begin work July 1 2016, according to the Presidential Search Profile. President Ronald Thomas hopes to end his 13-year tenure as the University’s 13th president in the coming months as it is a “right and natural time for a leadership transition,” according to a campus-wide email from his office. “The committee has completed its work because their job isn’t to choose the president but to...

Race and Pedagogy Institute in the works

The Race and Pedagogy Initiative (RPI) is on track to become the Race and Pedagogy Institute. The Race and Pedagogy Planning Summit, which took place Dec. 4-5, launched the Institute and sought to develop a strategic plan for its future, taking into account what students want from RPI. The transformation into a Race and Pedagogy Institute would allow the Institute to have a permanent budget. In the past, their resources have come from fundraising. “We’ve been funded through community grassroots fundraising... there’s a common sense of ownership,” Director of the...

By Ella Frazer and Casey O'brien Organizers estimated that over 450 Puget Sound students and faculty walked out of their classes on Thursday, Nov. 19, to stand in protest and advocate for improving treatment of marginalized identities at the university and nationwide. The rally took place on the steps of Jones Hall and was organized by the Advocates for Institutional Change (AIC), a coalition of groups on campus calling for an array of  diversity- and inclusivity-related institutional changes. The walkout was held in solidarity with marginalized students at universities across...

Violence spreads to campuses, Northwest

By Olivia Langen Three years after the Black Lives Matter movement began in Florida, after George Zimmerman fatally shot black teenager Trayvon Martin, the movement remains prominent as various cases of racial violence prompt protests nationwide. University of Missouri (Mizzou), UCLA, Yale, Arizona State University, University of Oklahoma and Lewis & Clark College are among the many campuses which have recently been sites of racial tension and student protests. The Mizzou student group Concerned Student 1950, named after the year the first black student was admitted to the university, stopped...

Correction: Dec. 11, 2015

The article printed in the November 6, 2015 issue entitled “Students march, boycott ​Sakuma Bros. Farms” inaccurately stated that Sakuma Bros. had declined to interview. While the writer did make efforts to contact Sakuma Bros. representatives, The Trail recognizes that a greater effort to contact the company should have been made. We plan to address this with a more thorough version of the story, with remarks from Sakuma included, in one of our Spring 2016 issues....

Dean of Students joins student push for extended CHWS hours

By Emily Schuelein On the heels of ASUPS’ funding for extended hours at Counseling, Health, and Wellness Services (CHWS), the office of the Dean of Students has committed additional funds to extend counseling hours by 8-12 hours a week. Four extra hours on Friday afternoon and four hours on Tuesday afternoon are already in effect through the new psychologist Thomas Roe. When another psychologist is hired there will be an additional 4 hours a week. According to Mike Segawa, the Dean of Students, the funding for these new psychologists is...

Student initiative gets athlete’s Green Dot certified

Photo Courtesy Presley Reed Student athletes have taken the initiative to speak with their coaches in order to advocate for athletic teams to undertake Green Dot education. While all students at the University go through the Green Dot program as part of orientation, it is only a one and a half hour long training session. In contrast, the program that student athletes are seeking is a six-hour training program, which is more comprehensive. “We feel this is a very important issue for the campus community, and all the students I’ve...
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