Arts & Events

Arts & Events

Yo Gabba Gabba! comes to Tacoma

You heard right, Loggers: the zany Nick Jr. kids’ show Yo Gabba Gabba! is coming to the Tacoma Dome on Nov. 13. Some of you may be saying to yourselves, “Yo Gabba... Whaa?”, but you really shouldn’t be. For one thing, Yo Gabba Gabba! has had many great celebrity guests on the show, such as Jack Black, Devo, Flaming Lips, Tony Hawk, The Killers, MGMT, Mos Def, Shiny Toy Guns, Andy Samberg, The Shins, Sarah Silverman, The Ting Tings, Weezer, Jimmy Eat World, Elijah Wood and many more. Basically, you...
Arts & Events

Invisible Children film makes annual appearance on campus

On Wednesday, Nov. 3, the renowned, eye-opening documentary about conflict and child soldiers in Uganda, Invisible Children, will be put on by Puget Sound’s Invisible Children Club at Kilworth Chapel. The Northwest regional representative for the Invisible Children non-profit organization, Stuy Lewis, will be introducing the film and also speaking afterward. He will offer ways to get involved and to help stop the conflict in Uganda. The showing will be part of Invisible Children’s “Face to Face Tour,” in which a Ugandan student and his or her mentor tour around...
Arts & Events

Circus club presents Halloween performance

The fourth annual fall Circus Club performance will be held this Halloween at 7 p.m. in the library parking lot, weather permitting. However, in case of rain the performance will be postponed. Puget Sound’s Circus Club brings all the fun of Cirque du Soleil to campus without the exorbitant cost. For no charge you get to witness around 10 different types of circus acts, ranging from acrobatics and contortion to staged combat and juggling, all performed by at least 20 of your fellow students. This year’s show theme, Día de...
Arts & Events

Debut of professor’s play at Tacoma Little Theatre

“You don’t have to like everything I write,” says the character Josephine in C. Rosalind Bell’s new play “Under the Circumstances.”  This is definitely not an issue with Bell’s riveting play, which recently debuted at the Tacoma Little Theatre. The show depicts the relationship of two writers, one Caucasian and one African American, struggling with the publication of a derogatory epithet of the African American race. Although it is never explicitly stated in the show, the controversy of race is magnified as the negative impacts it can have are exploited....
Arts & Events

Romantic “Wind and Voice” combination in next Jacobsen

As October comes to campus we can expect falling leaves, a drop in temperature and also the melodious sound of classical music filtering through Puget Sound. On Oct. 22 in Schneebeck Concert hall at 7:30 p.m. the third Jacobsen concert of the musical season kicks off. The theme of this Jacobsen concert is “Wind and Voice”. Tickets are available for $8.50 for students and $10 for the general public at the info center and at the door. “The concept for this particular Jacobsen Concert was conceived by the wind faculty...
Arts & Events

Nick Hornby, Ben Folds pair up on new release

On Sept. 24, Nick Hornby and Ben Folds released their album Lonely Avenue. Hornby wrote the lyrics and Folds composed and performed the music. To some, this may sound like the best two things put together since peanut butter and jelly - and, well, it is. From start to finish, their 11-song LP is pure sonic and lyrical bliss. Although I’ve only read part of Hornby’s High Fidelity, his tone comes off as cynical, informed, and quite crass - not so different from Folds’ style on Rockin’ the Suburbs. Arguably...
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