Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: MENA Awards

To The Trail, Below is the statement the MENA Student Association sent to the Office of the Dean of Students in response to our invitation to this year’s Leadership Awards Ceremony. The MENA Student Association will not be accepting the awards offered to us at this year’s Leadership Awards Ceremony. We feel that awarding the MENA Student Association these accolades allows UPS administration to paint a certain image of itself as supportive of our group’s work. This image is inconsistent with our experience, and we will not legitimize this disingenuousness...
Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: Where did all the Black people go?

 To The Trail,  On October 20, 2023, it was brought to my attention by another Black colleague that the second-highest ranking Black administrator (second only to the president) at the University would not be returning to her position as an associate vice president. Apparently, I had missed the announcement in a university-wide email disseminated on Monday, October 16, the Monday of Fall Break, with a very nondescript subject heading: “Division of University Relations Staffing Update.” I assumed, like many people perhaps, that the email didn’t seem like something of importance....

Nationwide FAFSA Issues Cause Difficulties, Confusion

  By Jack Leal   This year, there have been delays in students getting their FAFSA information nationwide. Students applying for college in the next academic year have a deadline to submit an application in order to secure financial aid based on their family’s financial need. The federal government rolled out a simpler version of this form due to the Simplification Act, passed on Dec. 27, 2020, as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. However, these progressive strides toward making the FAFSA process easier also led to complications....

Note From a Trail Senior

  By Hannah Lee It has been a great honor and privilege to serve as a staff writer for The Trail for the past three years. If I could go back and tell my sophomore-year self about how they would be the public health point person on the team, I don’t think they would have believed it.   I hadn’t worked on a news team in any capacity before, and it was definitely a learning experience. Learning how to change my style to not write so academically and how to conduct effective...
Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: Climate Action Plan

To The Trail and the Board of Trustees of the University of Puget Sound,    The climate crisis poses an unprecedented threat to our planet, and it is our moral responsibility as global citizens to do what is within our collective power as a University to combat climate change. While the magnitude of this issue is broader than any one individual or institution could tackle on its own, it is imperative that our institution addresses the various ways in which it is currently contributing to the problem. The purpose of this...
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