
News Roundup 9/29

By Grace Farrell University Implements Isolation-in-place Policy As of Sept. 14, an isolation-in-place model has been implemented to limit the spread of COVID-19 on campus. Individuals who test positive for COVID are to remain in their dorm rooms, while their roommates can contact Residence Life to be assigned an alternative room for the duration of the isolation period. New COVID boosters should also be available shortly; the CDC recommends that students make vaccination appointments at a local pharmacy once they are released. New Senior Director for Intercultural Engagement, Miriam Chitiga...

From the Desk of the Editor: State of the Trail

By Andrew Benoit, Editor-in-Chief A not so closely guarded secret of The Trail is the comprehensive digitized archive of our publication dating all the way back to 1895, when the student newspaper was called Ye Recorde. Back then, the University called itself “Puget Sound University” and would hop from new campus to new campus four times as it struggled with constant financial woes. The Ottoman Empire still existed, the Lumiere brothers had only just invented movies, and the first professional football game had just been played. Our archives preserve a...
The Happy Trail

The “Discovery” of Male Birth Control: Science or Culture?

Male birth control has been a popular topic of late as a new male birth control pill called TDI-11861 was introduced in February of 2023. This new pill lowers the mobility of sperm and renders them unable to fertilize an egg. This pill will allow for male fertility to be chosen day-to-day, as full fertility will return 24 hours after the pill has been taken, and has shown success in preventing conception in mice. There have been a variety of responses to this relatively new development on and off social...
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