Combat Zone

Security implements new admit hours system based on student G.P.A.

This coming fall, students who are locked out of their rooms will face a new dilemma when trying to regain entry. Whether they will be able to or not will depend entirely upon their cumulative G.P.A. Security Services has decided to implement their new system partially because of complaints made by the student body over the past several years. The complaints themselves centered around the frustrations faced by many when they become locked out of their on-campus residencies. John Miller, a freshman, complained, “I got locked out of my room...
Combat Zone

‘Graduate of Color’ ceremony proves to be problematic

Neema Smith, a senior on campus, has found herself cordially invited to the University’s ‘Graduates of Color’ celebration. The ceremony calls to bring together students of color in order to celebrate their diverse paths to graduation. Except Smith isn’t a student of color. Actually, Neema’s parents are both from the Midwest. The origin of her name dates back to her parents’ gap years spent volunteering in Southern Africa. How did such a thing happen? How exactly did the University categorize her as a “Graduate of Color”? The confusion may have...
Combat Zone

Cute on-campus owl actually the undead

Onlookers were mesmerized earlier this week by a wild Barred owl that has taken up residency on campus in the President’s Woods. This adorable creature, while majestic, is in actuality a revived corpse. The owl is part of an ongoing research project between the University’s Biology Department and the Slater Museum of Natural History. The two departments have discovered a means to reanimate this creature that was previously taxidermy. The experiments have been ongoing for the last 20 years, but only recently have breakthroughs been made. Scores of unknowing students...
Combat Zone

Administration deters new students with awful weather

By EDDIE PISSREX   In an effort to raise University retention rates, the Puget Sound administration intentionally scheduled this year’s annual campus visit day during one of the worst storms Tacoma has ever seen. The directive came from the Campus Visit Program office (CVP) to hold the event this past weekend, and was made in order to “weed out the soft,” according to CVP director Charlie Feelgood. “Our levels have been dismal in terms of retaining kids for four-year terms,” Feelgood said. “And we realized that the kids from warmer...