

Sisters’ new take on human trafficking

On Saturday, Nov. 13, 2010, a Human Trafficking Conference will be held in Kilworth Memorial Chapel from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The conference is sponsored by Human Trafficking: Stop the Demand Tacoma, the Sisters of St. Dominic of Tacoma and Associates, Sisters of the Holy Names, Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia, the Spirituality Service and Social Justic Office of Puget Sound, and the Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center. The featured speakers for this conference will be Kathleen Morris, Erik Nicholson and Linda Smith. Morris, the program director of...

Zombies are the new vampires in Seattle

A zombie epidemic is spreading, and now, there are over 4,000 record-breaking zombies in the Seattle area. ZomBcon 2010 took place this year Oct. 29-31 in Seattle at the Exhibition Hall. ZomBcon was the first zombie convention of its kind. There were many prominent guests at this year’s convention, such as UFC fighter Nathan “Rock” Quarry, actor Bruce Campbell and artist Billy Tackett. Films were featured such as “Dead Alive”, “Dawn of the Dead”, “Day of the Dead”, “Evil Dead”, “Night of the Living Dead”, “Shaun of the Dead” and...

Showcasing National Hunger Week

As Thanksgiving, a holiday when we are all encouraged to remember what we are grateful for, approaches, the Puget Sound campus celebrates the month of November as National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Month and the week of November 14-20 as National Hunger Week.  Amidst excitement for the upcoming holiday of bounty and food, students are encouraged to participate in several activities planned in recognition of hunger and the homeless.  According the CIAC’s e-newsletter, “Participating in National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week will not only bring greater awareness to our community,...
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