

@upsmissedconnections Targeted in Antitrust Lawsuit for Monopolizing Campus Gossip

By Walter Marmite Ubiquitous Instagram account @upsmissedconnections, a central online destination for the University of Puget Sound student body, was named in an antitrust lawsuit filed on Thursday, over perceived “monopolization of both on-campus communication and the libido of the student community.” The plaintiffs — the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), @ups.parties, @ups_sex_confessions, @ups.get.yo.freak.on, @ ups_tea_spillage, @ups_hot_person_sighted and @ ups_rate_my_professor_on_their_looks — specifically allege that @upsmissedconnections has stifled the market and made it impossible for smaller accounts who are focused primarily on promoting off-campus events, spreading salacious and unverifiable stories, or anonymously...

News Roundup 9/29

By Grace Farrell University Implements Isolation-in-place Policy As of Sept. 14, an isolation-in-place model has been implemented to limit the spread of COVID-19 on campus. Individuals who test positive for COVID are to remain in their dorm rooms, while their roommates can contact Residence Life to be assigned an alternative room for the duration of the isolation period. New COVID boosters should also be available shortly; the CDC recommends that students make vaccination appointments at a local pharmacy once they are released. New Senior Director for Intercultural Engagement, Miriam Chitiga...

From the Desk of the Editor: State of the Trail

By Andrew Benoit, Editor-in-Chief A not so closely guarded secret of The Trail is the comprehensive digitized archive of our publication dating all the way back to 1895, when the student newspaper was called Ye Recorde. Back then, the University called itself “Puget Sound University” and would hop from new campus to new campus four times as it struggled with constant financial woes. The Ottoman Empire still existed, the Lumiere brothers had only just invented movies, and the first professional football game had just been played. Our archives preserve a...

References for articles by AFAM 399: Public Scholarship class in spring 2023.
Articles published in The Trail April 28, 2023. 

“Dear SOAN Ethnographers: Join the Fight” Collins, H. P. (2015). Black Feminist thought. Routledge. Lorde, Audre. “The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House.” 1984. Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches. Ed. Berkeley, CA: Crossing Press. 110-114. 2007. Print.  Tuck, E., & Yang, K. W. (2012). Decolonization is not a metaphor. Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society, 1(1). “Fully Funded doesn’t mean Free: TPS scholarship misleading to Tacoma Community” Johnson, L., & Wiese, N. (2022). Local students at university: Narrative descriptions of lived experiences. Student Success, 13(1), 41-53.  Supporting...
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