

Logjammed: The ASUPS Payment Dysfunction and Its Impacts on Its Employees

By Jack Leal   People on campus employed by ASUPS, particularly those in the ASUPS Medias,  have experienced extended delays in receiving their payment contracts. Although ASUPS began addressing the issue recently, the holdup resulted in months of wage uncertainty for student media workers and concerns about ASUPS’s efficacy.    ASUPS and the University cite challenges the current student government faces. Pinpointing the issue is complicated by the fact that student finance issues are managed between ASUPS, the Office of Finance, and the Division of Student Affairs. This complexity creates hurdles for...

The Holdovers – What Popcorn Bliss is Made Of

 By Jack Leal  Paul Giamatti’s personal boarding school experience translates with intensity in his latest film “The Holdovers''…wow! Written by David Hemingson, directed by Alexander Payne, and starring Paul Giamatti as Mr. Hunham, “The Holdovers'' is a whirlwind of cinematic bliss. With fully fleshed-out characters, a strategically dated set design, and a grainy nostalgic filter, this film checks out to be an instant classic.    “The Holdovers” can be best described as a healthy brew between Peter Weir’s “The Dead Poet Society'' and Sofia Coppola’s “Lost in Translation” . To put...
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