

Focus the Nation conference coming to campus

Puget Sound students may feel there is little they can do to affect change when it comes to the environment. The Feb. 26 clean energy conference, taking place on campus, aims to convince them otherwise. The Focus the Nation Clean Energy Forum will bring career ideas, local sustainability projects and inspiration to college and high school students from throughout the Puget Sound region. It aims to provide “information and fresh, cooperative outlooks in the topic of sustainable employment, and can potentially serve as a starting point for networking and future...

An inside look at the houseless fraternity

Following the campus chaos of Crossover weekend, fraternities and sororities have begun to settle in, welcoming their pledges to feel at home in their respective houses. Some houses have already had three of their weekly Chapter meetings, each starting to buckle down and decide upon what is in their best interest. For no house is this task more daunting than Sigma Alpha Epsilon, a currently houseless fraternity that must construct itself from the ground up and leave behind a foundation that will last. As a member myself, I can report...

Faculty selection in progress

The University of Puget Sound is preparing itself. The new academic year of 2011 approaches with the exciting buzz of new students, but also new teachers. The English and Theatre departments are losing some beloved professors. However, along with the goodbyes come some exciting hellos to new faculty for both departments. Choosing new faculty for Puget Sound is not an easy task. Professor Peter Greenfield of the English department has been involved with the selection committee for both departments in need of new faculty. “It’s a time-consuming process,”  Greenfield said....

Cafes compete: Diversions vs. Oppenheimer

“It’s no secret that Diversions is slow,” café regular Sarah Guilian admitted. Employees will tell you the same thing. Customer disappointment is always visible on the complaint board, which frequently reflects students’ frustration with delayed drink delivery. “One time I left my room at 1:35 to pick up a drink before my 2:00 class, and I ended up being late to class because I was stuck waiting,” an anonymous customer said. “Complaints have been voiced to me,” Diversions student manager Isabel Chirinos said. “We’ve always been limited when it comes...
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