
Puget Sound celebrates International Education Week

This week on campus was International Education Week, a chance for students to learn about various cultures all around the world. By learning about each other’s cultures, students learn to foster the kind of tolerance and understanding between people that can strengthen a community. Many students were excited about learning more about International Education Week and what it represents. “I am always interested in learning about other cultures,” freshman Lydia Bauer said. “I think it’s a good opportunity for people to learn about other nations as well as people from...

The S.U.B. goes healthy

There is always something new to try in the S.U.B., so it is not surprising that this year it has taken a turn for the healthy. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner provide a variety of foods from students to choose from. From the Italian station to the Chef’s Table, the S.U.B. has added station after station hoping to provide the best possible service to each and every student. The menu is constantly changing to suit the students’ needs. Although each station serves the same general food there are always different combinations...

Puget Sound ties for 76 ranking

Recently, University of Puget Sound tied with Transylvania University in Lexington, Ky. for the rank of 76 in US News’s Best Colleges. As well as having beautiful campuses both are recognized as prestigious liberal arts universities. However, despite receiving the same ratings there are notable differences between Transylvania University and University of Puget Sound. While University of Puget Sound does not have a religious affiliation, Transylvania is affiliated with the Disciples of Christ. “ used to be fairly closely affiliated with the Methodist Church or Methodist Episcopal Church until 1980,...