The Happy Trail

The illusive G-Spot: A guide

Magic wand pointing “g” atop fireworks

By Amelia Pooser

Do you think you know what the G-spot is? It remains an elusive mystery to most and it is not hard to understand why. Female pleasure remains a largely under researched area with many contradictory views regarding the G-spot. Some believe that the spot does not exist, while others believe that the area does nothing for vaginal stimulation or pleasure. 

The G-spot or Grafenberg spot, named after Ernst Grafenberg, was “discovered” by the German doctor in 1953. Anatomically the g-spot is, “about an inch or so inside the vaginal opening on the upper vaginal wall — closest to the bellybutton. The G-spot is sexually sensitive and swells slightly during arousal and feels raised or bumpy” according to Planned Parenthood.

One of the problems with this definition is the G-spot might be better described as an area in actuality. An area that includes the clitoris, urethra, the female prostate gland, and many other tissues that swell when stimulated. However, it is important to note that only some women are able to experience general pleasure from the area.

Statistically, only 20% of women can orgasm from vaginal stimulation alone and only 10% can orgasm from G-spot stimulation. This is a very small population of people and so, although the G-spot remains an infamous “pleasure center,” it should not at all be considered the height of female pleasure. 

One consensus among most sex researchers and activists is that the semantics around the G-spot are creating an unhealthy, goal-oriented view of sex. The G-spot is not a “magic button,” and while everyone should explore the area, it is important to understand that some people will experience pleasure from G-spot stimulation and others will not. Believing that the G-spot is some magical immediate orgasm button is false and this can lead to disappointment, shame and anger if one or both partners if a “G-spot” or penetrative orgasm is not reached. The primary focus should instead be on pleasure, having fun and being present with your partner.

Now this does not mean that people should ignore the G-spot, it just means that people should explore and enjoy what brings them pleasure, whatever that is. For some the G-spot might be a focal point of their pleasure and for others it means absolutely nothing. No orgasm is particularly superior to another.

One way to explore if the G-spot might give you pleasure is with sex toys. Just like the G-spot, sex toys work for some and not for others, so please note that these will not work for everyone. For those who are interested, a penetrative sex toy with a curve pointing “up” is a good place to start. Good luck and have fun!