

A New Home for CHWS?

By Madeleine Scypinski Counseling, Health & Wellness Services (CHWS) has been located on the second floor of Wheelock Student Center since the early ‘80s, but in recent years, it has become increasingly clear that CHWS is outgrowing this space. “If you gave me money for a staff member,” CHWS Director Donn Marshall said, “we wouldn’t have any place to put that staff member.” This exact scenario played out last year when the department hired a temporary counselor for 16 hours a week, which forced Marshall to move to an auxiliary office...

University Aims to Create Diverse Student Body

By: Aneyceia Brim The University has launched a new Diversity Strategic Plan for the fall, aimed at making the school a more diverse community. “Diversity includes attention to identity characteristics such as age, disability, sex, race, ethnicity, religion/spiritual tradition, gender identity and expression, sexual identity, veteran status, job status or socioeconomic class, nation of origin, language spoken, documentation status, personal appearance and political beliefs,” as the University defines it within the plan. The plan is broken into four goals that the institution hopes to focus on: recruitment and retention, a more...

‘Trigger Warnings’ and ‘Safe Spaces’: A Response to UChicago

By: Val Bauer In August, incoming freshmen at the University of Chicago received a controversial letter from Dean of Students Jay Ellison, in which ‘trigger warnings’ and ‘safe spaces’ were disregarded as an excuse for “individuals retreat from ideas and perspectives at odds with their own.”   The letter, published online by Intellectual Takeout, cites UChicago’s “commitment to freedom of inquiry and expression” as a defining characteristic of their academic setting, Ellison said. “Members of community are encouraged to speak, write, listen, challenge and learn, without fear of censorship.” Trigger...

Students protest to quicken divestment

Dozens of students from across student groups at the University set up tents and camped out in front of Jones Circle on Thursday, April 28th to protest the Board of Trustee’s slow progress on divestment from fossil fuels. Led by the ECO club, the protesters met at 12 pm on the 28th and planned on remaining in front of the fountain until a board member personally met with the students and took their newly drafted resolution. The resolution was collected from the ECO club on Saturday, April 30th by a...

Attempted armed robbery ends in shot fired, none injured

By Ashley Malin For the second time this academic year, a shot rang out on campus. On Sunday, March 27 at 3:20am, Security Services alerted students of an attempted armed robbery near Anderson/Langston Residency in the North End of campus. No one was injured in the incident. According to Director of Security Todd Badham, a student and one of their guests were outside of Anderson/Langdon Hall a little before 3:00 a.m. “Three white males came around the corner of the building from the West on the North Side of the...

New ASUPS VP elected by Senate

By Emily Schuelein The new Vice President of the Associated Students of the University of Puget Sound (ASUPS) Peyton Anstine has temporarily taken over the position until ASUPS elections on March 23. “The role is to fulfill the regular duties of the vice president in its complete capacity until elections and the normal transition period,” ASUPS President Nakisha Renee Jones said. “There’s changes to try to make the elections process a little more accessible to other students and I think that’s mostly what the student body will see but whether...

Affirmative Action at universities in flux

Graphic Courtesy Michelle Leatherby Eight years after Abigail Fisher’s rejection from the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin), the Supreme Court is primed to render a decision as to whether or not her denial from the University was due to affirmative action policies that excluded her, and whether or not that choice was unconstitutional. Any admissions policy that uses race as a basis to admit students could end, according to SCOTUS blog. Affirmative action at UT Austin has a long and complicated history. After a lower court struck down...

Director of Intercultural Engagement hired

Photo Courtesy/Peter Davidson By Tyler Randazzo After a long search process, the Center for Intercultural and Civic Engagement (CICE) has hired a new Director of Intercultural Engagement, former DePauw University Director of Cultural Resource Centers and Coordinator of LGBT services Vivie Nguyen. Nguyen will begin her work at the University on March 31. She will serve as a co-director, along with Dave Wright, the Director of Spiritual Life and Civic Engagement. Nguyen will fill a position that has been open since Sept. 22, 2015, when former Director of Intercultural Engagement,...

University concludes investigation of Sigma Chi, no public conclusion

By Ashley Malin Following interviews with all Sigma Chi chapter members by the Dean of Students Staff and Sigma Chi Fraternity International Headquarters staff, the two bodies have concluded investigations into the incident of bias hate that was reported on January 26. “There are a number of these guys who had three interviews, two with Sigma Chi and one with us,” Dean Mike Segawa said. “ have done all of what has turned out to be twenty four interviews altogether. We interviewed some students going in who we knew going...
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