Fall 2021NewsSpecial Edition

Events & Resources

Accessibility Panel:

Fun before finals

  • Last Day of Class Bash: MIBU and KUPS student market


  • Center for Writing and Learning
    • Events: Writing Marathon
      • Dec. 6 &7: 5-10pm 
      • Upper Marshall Hall
    • To make an appointment, leave a voicemail at 253.879.3404 or complete this form.
    • IG: https://www.instagram.com/pugetsound.cwl/ 
      • Services include:
      • Writing Advisors who are selected through a rigorous application process and who are specially trained to help students get started on a paper (such as an essay, lab report, creative writing, artist statement, etc.), organize their thoughts, or improve their editing skills.
      • Language Partners who work with multilingual students to help them navigate the conventions and quirks of academic English writing.
      • Academic Consultants who are specially trained to help students improve their time management skills, organization, study skills, and test-taking strategies.
      • Faculty Consultants who work with students writing personal statements for post-graduate opportunities such as graduate school, professional school, or post-graduate fellowships.
      • Sound Writing, a comprehensive online writing handbook—written by Puget Sound students in consultation with Puget Sound faculty—that offers advice on writing process, research, grammar, and style to help students develop the socially conscious and “sound” writing that is at the heart of a Puget Sound education.
      • Subject Tutors in a wide range of subjects who are nominated by professors in their disciplines and who are specially trained to help students individually or in small groups.