Combat Zone

Roommates set aside conflict to plan matching costumes

By Lee L. Benbow

The quintessential college experience is not complete without a roommate and the conflicts that accompany them. Since moving into Regester 125 on Aug. 17, Sarah and Jessica have had their fair share of conflicts, from the passive-aggressive battle over who should take the trash out to the fight over expired milk. The roomies use small fights as opportunities to deal with conflicts and demons that have haunted them since birth. Despite their lack of healthy coping skills, the girls know when something is too big to let a little tiff get in the way. One such case is Halloween.

Everyone knows the way to achieve authentic #roomiegoals is with coordinated halloween costumes. Jessica and Sarah have been waiting for the blessed night of Oct. 31 for so long. Sarah dreamed of duo costumes like salt and pepper, or angel and devil. Jessica wanted a pop culture reference like Gigi and Kendall, or Obama and Biden. This conflict was solved with a pinterest board of possible costumes followed by a tournament similar to the NCAA’s March Madness.

Their peers — the four randos studying in the lounge and their RD who wanted to be “hip” — bet on favorites, but in the end only one costume could come out on top. The final contender truly came out of left field, and even Jessica and Sarah weren’t entirely sure about it. “I was not expecting to go as this, but I’m sure Sarah and I can pull this off, because that’s just what best friends do,” Jessica said.

Due to an NDA signed by The Flail, we cannot release what costume won at this time due to the possibility that “some basics will have the audacity to copy our genius idea,” according to the girls. They did, however, allow us to tell our faithful readers that the costume includes baby formula and everyone’s favorite Insta-famous pug.