
Students should rethink how they value their dining dollars

As the end of the year approaches, more and more students are beginning to make a slow realization: they have 200 dining dollars left.

There are plenty of students who have been there.

Whether we eat like rabbits and purchase large amounts of inexpensive vegetables or purchase 20 ounce Java Chip smoothies daily, we need to reevaluate the way we think about our dining dollars.

For many, dining dollars are just an added bonus to your awesome LoggerCard where food purchases happen with great ease and a bit of technological magic.

For our off-campus counterparts, however, dining dollars can be so precious that anyone is down for a free meal at the S.U.B.

We need to start thinking like our off-campus friends because unlike us, if they choose to eat at the S.U.B., they are more often than not shelling out some serious skrilla for food.

And that’s what we forget.

Our dining dollars have value that either our parents or some other form of aid paid for with money so that we can be the adequately fed students we came here to be.

When we don’t spend our money wisely, we put ourselves at financial risk.

Running out of points is easily the most embarrassing interaction you’ll experience at the S.U.B., except breaking a plate.

And sure, it’s easy to fix, but you end up spending more money on top of the fortune you dropped to purchase a meal plan in the first place.

When we don’t spend enough, we end up looking like Scrooge McDuck swimming in our tub of gold coins.

While that may make you everyone’s best friend when you treat people to snacks at the Cellar, you’re really putting yourself in a position where you waste your money.

No one should be either a prince or a pauper when it comes to food at this school.

Instead we should be conscientious of how we spend and how we should save.

Luckily for us, the great people at Dining and Conference Services provide a dining dollar usage chart for each semester online.

It breaks down individually the progression of each meal plan  from the beginning to the end of the semester.

This resource is not difficult to find either.

A quick Google search will easily provide the chart, and before you know it you’ll be a certified public accountant with all the number crunching you’ll be doing.

Talk about a resume builder!

When it comes to staying on top of our points, there is no better resource, and we would be wise to use it.