
Race and Pedagogy Conference coordinator speaks: Dexter Gordon tells the story of hard work and hospitality

Jordan Voltz: What did your role as Coordinator for the Race & Pedagogy Conferences entail? Dexter Gordon: I’ve been chair of our three national conferences, coordinating and staging the conference. That involves assembling a conference planning committee 18 months to two years ahead of the conference… working with a team of faculty as campus staff partners alongside community partners to distribute the assignments to make the conference work. JV: Were you pleased with the turnout from Tacoma? DG: I was very pleased, in fact, tracking the numbers, we were beginning...

Video games can deepen remembrance: “playing at war” isn’t always offensive or vapid

Warning: this article includes mentions of the Holocaust, which may be triggering. “The most sensible commemoration of any war is not to repeat it.” –Simon Jenkins It has been 100 years since the major powers of Europe declared war against each other, culminating in the Great War, one of the bloodiest military engagements in history. With a staggering toll of 37,466,904 casualties (8,528,831 deaths), the war, known in its time as the Great War, cast a shadow over Europe. It created the notion of a universal suffering that united Europe...